Smiling this forcefully makes my cheeks ache. I love my rubber ducks. The one in my profile picture has a snorkel. I like this one because it must have been some kind of defunct duck. Otherwise it wouldn't need a snorkel. This duck shall become my soulmate and lover of all things problematic.
Is anyone else a bit fed up of hearing about Kylie's breast cancer? I mean, no offense, but you'd think she was the only woman to ever have got it. Why don't the press spend all the time and money they're wasting following round Kylie and her family and Craig Mc-fucking-McGloughlan on cancer research, or just pick 200 random breast cancer patients and pay for the best treatment money can buy to be carried out asap? You know you live in a fucked-up world when the first thing on the 7am news is Craig McGlouchlan. Seriously.
I look forward to Friday like a conscientious driver looks for potential hazzards - keenly xXx
I already ate all the Pocky, I'm a bad girl
And you, you're too sweet when you smile.