I've been feeling vacant all day, and as I was packing my stuff together I found this. It's one of the few times where i've genuinely been able to write down how I feel. So i'm getting all emo on your ass.
I stood, legs locked and muscles fast.
Looking for quaking that did not exist.
I would have held your porcelain feet from the ground;
had you reason to float forever.
Wind hit you like an uppercut.
Writhing in your unjust agony, I did not flinch.
Tin girl with the lion's heart, strong enough for two.
And then it rained.
My reign was rust.
Did she put you down? Never.
Filled with straw, her head hallucinated to completion.
The burden of the elevated crushed,
And I watched you wipe my rust from your sole.
My purpose abandoned with the snub of your limp back.
I'm going to bed soon xXx
I stood, legs locked and muscles fast.
Looking for quaking that did not exist.
I would have held your porcelain feet from the ground;
had you reason to float forever.
Wind hit you like an uppercut.
Writhing in your unjust agony, I did not flinch.
Tin girl with the lion's heart, strong enough for two.
And then it rained.
My reign was rust.
Did she put you down? Never.
Filled with straw, her head hallucinated to completion.
The burden of the elevated crushed,
And I watched you wipe my rust from your sole.
My purpose abandoned with the snub of your limp back.
I'm going to bed soon xXx
I'm rubbish at literary commentary. But I loved the Wizard of Oz references. Hope the move went well mon petit pois, xoxo.
i like that