Well I am royally rough today.
Got a teeny bit hammered last night and didn't get to sleep till 9:30am. I've slept for about 3 hours and cooked a roast dinner for me and Kogii and my sister and her boyf. I have however remedied any overwhelming pain and sickness with a chocolate muffin and vanilla ice cream. Yum-ja!
I went to a halloween party last night with Frankie, Kogii, Matt, Mike and Sara. Frankie and I were the only one's cool enough to dress up. She went as the hottest pirate you'll every lay your eyepatched eye on, and I was an undead cowgirl. Why? Because zombies are cool and I fucking love cowboy boots.
Kogii is here until Tuesday night which makes me happy beyond belief. She's watching Ferris Buellers Day-off with her little hammered-head on my lap - I loves her. She bit my arm 'as a sign of affection'. I cook her lunch and that's the kind of abuse I get.
So we're dead tired but we're going to meet Frankie and Matt and Dawn to go see our friend Chrissy play an acoustic gig in Walsall. She's incredibly talented and i've never had the pleasure of seeing her play before, so i'm quite looking forward to it.
I have tomorrow and Tuesday off work and we are going to do nothing but fun and lovely stuff for the entirety. We need pants, books, tea and coffee and piercings (
Oh look. Another uninteresting update xXx
Oh actually since everyone else seems to be giving out random facts, i'm going to enlighten you all with one. My favourite fact. I started masturbating at the age of six - at the very latest. It may have been earlier. I'm so good at it now.
Got a teeny bit hammered last night and didn't get to sleep till 9:30am. I've slept for about 3 hours and cooked a roast dinner for me and Kogii and my sister and her boyf. I have however remedied any overwhelming pain and sickness with a chocolate muffin and vanilla ice cream. Yum-ja!
I went to a halloween party last night with Frankie, Kogii, Matt, Mike and Sara. Frankie and I were the only one's cool enough to dress up. She went as the hottest pirate you'll every lay your eyepatched eye on, and I was an undead cowgirl. Why? Because zombies are cool and I fucking love cowboy boots.
Kogii is here until Tuesday night which makes me happy beyond belief. She's watching Ferris Buellers Day-off with her little hammered-head on my lap - I loves her. She bit my arm 'as a sign of affection'. I cook her lunch and that's the kind of abuse I get.
So we're dead tired but we're going to meet Frankie and Matt and Dawn to go see our friend Chrissy play an acoustic gig in Walsall. She's incredibly talented and i've never had the pleasure of seeing her play before, so i'm quite looking forward to it.
I have tomorrow and Tuesday off work and we are going to do nothing but fun and lovely stuff for the entirety. We need pants, books, tea and coffee and piercings (

Oh look. Another uninteresting update xXx
Oh actually since everyone else seems to be giving out random facts, i'm going to enlighten you all with one. My favourite fact. I started masturbating at the age of six - at the very latest. It may have been earlier. I'm so good at it now.
two T's and everything.
i see you tomorrow sweetie! i'm not aching, so i'll make you soup and we can watch lost and get all confused because our fuzzy little brains can't comprehend why the heck there's a polar bear on the island!! seriously, what's that all about?
OH!! did you ever used to watch Noah's Island? ooooh, maybe they'll come across a liverpudlian panda bear soon?! hehe. i like pandas
my teeth feel like they're going to fall out...boo. and you know what i'm like with my teeth, so this is not nice. i guess it's nearly dinner time...now, shall i have tomato soup, tomato soup, ooooor tomoato osup? hmm, tough.
blah...how you feeling?