Hey everyone, since no one sees this, i guess im writing it to myself! but anyways, Ive recently gotten back from the Czech Republic, and it was a good trip. We need more Czech Suicide girls! Czech girls rule! Not to take away from our fine ladies from the good ole USA, or Canada, but wow, those Czech girls got it goin on too! If...
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Im a messy guy.
I cant help it, its a part of me, like my feet.
Cant expect a guy to cut off his feet now can ya?
I try to organise, really, I do. I got all the baskets and stuff to organise everything I own, but stuff grows on my desk, like fungus. I have discs everywhere, nearly finished books Ive been meaning...
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Well, Im home from India, I must say, it was interesting. The people are just as nice as they can be, however, there are a few things I would think would be in their best interest to learn.

1. Sanitation. Their streets are their trash cans. It makes it appear that their country is built on an abandoned landfill. no joke.

2. Queing. As in;...
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So, Now , My ticket is bought, and I leave next Thursday. India, here I come!
I feel good today, I found out Friday that someone out there considers me the absolute love of their life, and I feel exactly the same way about them. Something like that is worth fighting for. Can I get an amen?
that is beautiful..........
it's what life is all about!!!
congratulations to you! biggrin
Why, Thank you!
Okay, so, my trip to India has been postponed, ONCE AGAIN! that sux, but its given me a chance to tie up some loose ends before I go. oh well.
So, its satuday night. so what, at this point its like everyother day, except i dont have to work in the morn big deal. smile
Hey everyone! Just a note, trying to make friends, but finding it difficult to find time to post. Nothing new happening, just getting myself psyched up for my trip to Bangalore, India next week. Really looking forward to it! Ill definetly post some pics of that trip. Recent trip to Mont Blanc , Spain yielded shitty pics. I may still post one, Got alot better...
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Oh so bored today, dont really feel like watching more reruns of X-Play on Tech T.V., no matter how much I like it.. smile
Must.....get......active......do ..........physical....activity...........ahhh fuck it, think I'll play a game! Jedi Acadamy anyone? smile
Well, back from Spain, not that anyone is reading this! It was beutiful, hopefully Ill be able to get some pics up soon. Saw an absolutely beutiful church, even an atheist like me can appreciate the peaceful feelings I get when I stand in such a place.
lol no wonder you have no friends, travelling to spain and having fun while we are all stuck at home with our sorry lil lives smile
have a good trip and I am sure more people will read your profile with each and every post you make (pics help too)