i want to invent a boy making machine. i'd like to take bits from lots of different boys and make 1 super boy. and im finding out, no i mean i already know im a little shallow. so i cant find all the things i like in 1 boy. or maybe im meeting the wrong boys. boys who are hot but lacking personality, boys who are goofy but are spaced out, boys who live far away, lame boys, or just crazy boys...boys boys boys. the city is full of them, i mean really. so this machiine will revolutionize the world, and im going to be rich! and happy with my very own super boy.
clearly i know this is a dream but i can fantasize, cant i?
what would you invent? tell me
im all healed up from the mosquito attack, thank god. im still on meds though.
someone i know wrote me a song titled "indie rock princess". i need to get a copy of the words. but theres a mention about polka dots.
clearly i know this is a dream but i can fantasize, cant i?
what would you invent? tell me
im all healed up from the mosquito attack, thank god. im still on meds though.
someone i know wrote me a song titled "indie rock princess". i need to get a copy of the words. but theres a mention about polka dots.

let me know when that machine is ready! lol we all need a SUPER boy!

Haven't you ever seen Weird Science? If so, you'll know how easy it is to create perfect members of the opposite sex. Shit, I do it a few times a day. I'll have to put together a tutorial for you... 80s style.