my haircutting extravanganza(how could you not love that word, bonanza is also a top fav.)anyway, haircut party= great time. lots of wine, food and of course gossip.
i love my friends!
at the end of the night i went outside for 5 minutes, thats it, but long enough for fucking mosquitos to go full force on me, damn that fruity wine. i went back inside quickly, uh because im deathly allergic to mosquitos. so bad that if bit on my joints its hospital time for me. once i had to have an iv because one got out of hand. luckily this gets me out of camping trips...i cant be away from my blowdryer.
back to my story, i get out of the shower this morning and i have a huge bite that has swelled into a golf ball. this is on the back of my thigh, so short skirts out today. im putting lotion on the other leg and i notice some smaller bites but still big enough for me to worry. until i get to a bite that has a hand size black bruise over it. ahhhhh!!!
now im trying to remember if i had it before, but come on i only wear skirts so someone wouldve said fuuuck what happen. so i wake my x up, yes he was home last night, and yes we still sleep in the same bed. (our couch isnt comfortable, stylish yes!) and he tries to say its a sex bruise. o rly? hahaha, yeah right, this is a monster of a bruise
so i end up at the emergency room and i find out one is infected, the bruised one is a collapsed vein from where the mosquito got crazy. antibiotics and cream and im good to go. but i need to get to cvs. buut so laaazy.
best part of the hospital trip...this guy in the showered curtain room next to me is being examined and i have nothing else better to do, besides use a plug to charge my phone in order to let everyone know that no i do not have west nile. than eavesdrop,
doctor: so are you allergic to anything?
guy: uh alcohol, im allergic to alcohol
doctor: oh really!
guy: yeah it makes me break out in handcuffs!
me: groans....that is not funny
doctor: laughs a whole lot!!!
a few minutes later the doc comes back and tells the guy, its his lucky day a bed just opened up in the psych ward.
no lie!
but i have 2 sassy hospital bracelets
one has the word benadryl on it -im allergic
so im alive...whew
i love my friends!
at the end of the night i went outside for 5 minutes, thats it, but long enough for fucking mosquitos to go full force on me, damn that fruity wine. i went back inside quickly, uh because im deathly allergic to mosquitos. so bad that if bit on my joints its hospital time for me. once i had to have an iv because one got out of hand. luckily this gets me out of camping trips...i cant be away from my blowdryer.
back to my story, i get out of the shower this morning and i have a huge bite that has swelled into a golf ball. this is on the back of my thigh, so short skirts out today. im putting lotion on the other leg and i notice some smaller bites but still big enough for me to worry. until i get to a bite that has a hand size black bruise over it. ahhhhh!!!
now im trying to remember if i had it before, but come on i only wear skirts so someone wouldve said fuuuck what happen. so i wake my x up, yes he was home last night, and yes we still sleep in the same bed. (our couch isnt comfortable, stylish yes!) and he tries to say its a sex bruise. o rly? hahaha, yeah right, this is a monster of a bruise
so i end up at the emergency room and i find out one is infected, the bruised one is a collapsed vein from where the mosquito got crazy. antibiotics and cream and im good to go. but i need to get to cvs. buut so laaazy.
best part of the hospital trip...this guy in the showered curtain room next to me is being examined and i have nothing else better to do, besides use a plug to charge my phone in order to let everyone know that no i do not have west nile. than eavesdrop,
doctor: so are you allergic to anything?
guy: uh alcohol, im allergic to alcohol
doctor: oh really!
guy: yeah it makes me break out in handcuffs!
me: groans....that is not funny
doctor: laughs a whole lot!!!
a few minutes later the doc comes back and tells the guy, its his lucky day a bed just opened up in the psych ward.
no lie!
but i have 2 sassy hospital bracelets
one has the word benadryl on it -im allergic
so im alive...whew

you're just to cute! Thanks for your sweet comment on my set! 

thank you sweetheart. <33