On the right track
So, today after work I bit the bullet and re-joined a gym. It's been a few years since I've done any serious exercise other than skating and slacklining and I've missed it. I've got a friend to session with which is cool, although I think sometime I'm going to have to go on my own, not because he's not fun to go with, but just because I think I'll be wanting to go more than him.
Other than that I have very little news. Hope all reading this are well.
So, today after work I bit the bullet and re-joined a gym. It's been a few years since I've done any serious exercise other than skating and slacklining and I've missed it. I've got a friend to session with which is cool, although I think sometime I'm going to have to go on my own, not because he's not fun to go with, but just because I think I'll be wanting to go more than him.
Other than that I have very little news. Hope all reading this are well.
On a sidenote, it's not all good about last nights session, I had to go to A&E this morning (3am) because my foot felt like it had a crowbar through it... It would seem I overdid it on the full body bags and may have chipped a small bone in my foot. Go me.. -_-