well, it's nearly six am and i'm all ready for work. sadly my brakes went out in my car and i have to ride the bus. but all is well, by tomorrow i will be driving to work with no worries of gliding through a red stop light and being hit by a semi...
christmas is approaching and i'm one broke mother fucker, but i'm still going to get my brother that guitar i was supposed to get him for his birthday in august. it's only 100 dollars for the pack thing. christmas is weird when there's no snow and i wish i could go up to the mountains and play...but alas...
anyway, that's all for now. have a very beautiful friday everyone.
christmas is approaching and i'm one broke mother fucker, but i'm still going to get my brother that guitar i was supposed to get him for his birthday in august. it's only 100 dollars for the pack thing. christmas is weird when there's no snow and i wish i could go up to the mountains and play...but alas...
anyway, that's all for now. have a very beautiful friday everyone.
70's nice...
Men are stupid, they are really stupid... I dont really understand whats going on in their mind.