well, yesterday kicked ass. we went to see a show cuz we know the drummer, the best damn drummer here too, by god. Anyway it was his birthday and shit and another dude we know was running the show so he got me in. I tried to walk through the door to get in to the place and the security gaurd stopped me and asked for ID and wouldn't let me in. So finally the guy running the show told him what's up and he apologized about it. Damn, i hate looking twelve...
It's cool though cuz we got all drunk and i've never been able to do that. Plus i got to here the band everyone's been talking about since i moved here and they kick ass.

It's cool though cuz we got all drunk and i've never been able to do that. Plus i got to here the band everyone's been talking about since i moved here and they kick ass.
you're beautiful!