Scary Spice is pregnant with Eddie Murphy's baby? That is one fertile dude. With his seventh kid on the way, he'll be flogging that Shrek donkey role straight into the direct-to-home-video abyss.
Christ... don't get me started about my fear of dogs. Now I have to worry about having a doggy treat hanging from my foot? There's now a really gross blood-bruise around the... What do you call the part where your big toe meets your sole? Ball of the foot? Anyway, walking HURTS! I'm pretty sure the nu-skin/neosporin paste I covered it with, and being wrapped up in an assortment of band-aids from the medicine cabinet (Including some cool pirate band-aids) will do the trick and the chunk will "take", and re-connect. Otherwise there will be a flap about the size of guitar pick falling off my foot in a few days.
Weird, i actually dreamt about tetris too. Actually, i would also have daydreams. I would be standing there, and in my head I was imagining what I would do if I had a certain shaped block come down on a certain row. Very Weird indeed. Yeah, Eddie Murphy was funny in the first Beverly HIlls Cop, Trading Spaces, and some of Coming To America. Since then, I can't recall enjoying any of his movies. Oh wait, how could i forget the greatness that was....
Pluto Nash