bless y'all for your encouraging comments
been trying to put things back together lately
since a slippery way caused me to lose my footing
and it can be hard to climb
when you've got a slump in your step
but i do my best to do my duty
and am feeling better every day
being at work is my favorite time
as i get to design exquisite jewelry for beautiful women
but i am not getting the hours i need to survive
and have to move on
but my boss said i can still work sundays
which is my favorite day to work anyway
as my coworker niki is the froopiest ever!!!!
you should all check out her site at
it is right up your SG alley!!
bless your secret smiles
popepancho signing off
been trying to put things back together lately
since a slippery way caused me to lose my footing
and it can be hard to climb
when you've got a slump in your step
but i do my best to do my duty
and am feeling better every day
being at work is my favorite time
as i get to design exquisite jewelry for beautiful women
but i am not getting the hours i need to survive
and have to move on
but my boss said i can still work sundays
which is my favorite day to work anyway
as my coworker niki is the froopiest ever!!!!
you should all check out her site at
it is right up your SG alley!!

bless your secret smiles
popepancho signing off
thats goddamned fascinating, and gives much more meaning to an age old cliche phrase...all of a sudden I'm feeling most fortunate

Thank ya, it is nice to get offered a job, especially being unemployed. Just got your message, but the ol cell is dying dying almost dead batterywise