Happy VD ... chaos abounds eternal ...
grin. howdy folks. thanx for tuning in.
it is astounding how the tiniest action
can send a burgeoning relationship spiraling out of orbit
the wrong smile
too short a kiss
the unplanned excuse
too long a wait
the misplaced word
too wild a hait
the confusing flirt
and a myriad of other causes
understood or not
that can turn a heart of gold to steel
and so in the beginning
we can easily find ourselves over examining
every sign we sign of perturbation
every questionable act we make
every cause that prob doesn't exist
because lonely is painful
and gets worse everyday
but when connections are tenuous
these doubts//frets//fears//neuroses put as much chaos
into the system as the clues they are based on
so i say breathe deep my friends
chaos theory teaches us the massive effect initial conditions have on a system
that the smallest difference
can have drastic effects on the final stability
and there is really little to do about that.
but these differences
and the myriad paths they lead us down generate the spice of life
sometimes salt over our shoulder
sometimes tabasco in our eyes
fun fact: the spice Columbus was sailing the ocean blue to find was opium.
the effects our actions can have are minor after that first meeting
if both your eyes shine bright
and your souls alight
then don't you worry sister,
don't you worry brother,
everything's gonna be alright
[bob marely told me so]
as for me, well i'm free and easy
blessed with a calm woman, peaceful and gentle
with the wiggling hips of a belly dancer. RAWR!
with the bright smile of a waning moon
so to you, my lonely friends with big hearts,
keep the faith
keep on smiling
and if anyone asks you if you had a good valentines
punch that fucker in the throat
and to you, my blessed friends in happy relationships
if no energy is applied to a system it tends towards entropy.
if no flowers are bought or blowjobs given,
the stability you enjoyed may falter
and only the energy of love can lift it back up.
and a happy VD to you all,
may it be something that penicillin can cure.[/code]

grin. howdy folks. thanx for tuning in.
it is astounding how the tiniest action
can send a burgeoning relationship spiraling out of orbit
the wrong smile
too short a kiss
the unplanned excuse
too long a wait
the misplaced word
too wild a hait
the confusing flirt
and a myriad of other causes
understood or not
that can turn a heart of gold to steel
and so in the beginning
we can easily find ourselves over examining
every sign we sign of perturbation
every questionable act we make
every cause that prob doesn't exist
because lonely is painful
and gets worse everyday
but when connections are tenuous
these doubts//frets//fears//neuroses put as much chaos
into the system as the clues they are based on
so i say breathe deep my friends
chaos theory teaches us the massive effect initial conditions have on a system
that the smallest difference
can have drastic effects on the final stability
and there is really little to do about that.
but these differences
and the myriad paths they lead us down generate the spice of life
sometimes salt over our shoulder
sometimes tabasco in our eyes
fun fact: the spice Columbus was sailing the ocean blue to find was opium.
the effects our actions can have are minor after that first meeting
if both your eyes shine bright
and your souls alight
then don't you worry sister,
don't you worry brother,
everything's gonna be alright
[bob marely told me so]
as for me, well i'm free and easy
blessed with a calm woman, peaceful and gentle
with the wiggling hips of a belly dancer. RAWR!
with the bright smile of a waning moon
so to you, my lonely friends with big hearts,
keep the faith
keep on smiling
and if anyone asks you if you had a good valentines
punch that fucker in the throat
and to you, my blessed friends in happy relationships
if no energy is applied to a system it tends towards entropy.
if no flowers are bought or blowjobs given,
the stability you enjoyed may falter
and only the energy of love can lift it back up.
and a happy VD to you all,
may it be something that penicillin can cure.[/code]
