The brouwn eyed woman was sitting on the chair beside the bed, her long white legs were chaking, she couldnt control it anymore. She lighted a cigarette and threw the lighter over the little table, between the chair and the bed.
The woman wasnt ugly at all, with her short hair and a clean face, looking like someone who doesnt works too much. She was there, staring at the messy bed, at his body, lying there, it doesnt even moves anymore.
He was the athetic-kind-of-men, elegant except for that beard, why that beard anywyas? She couldnt understend why he insist to keep it, what about that clock?
Geez, she really hates that clock, but you could tell he was a decent person, except for some atitudes she could even remember at the moment.
She stood up and walked to the bathroom, threw the cigarrete away like she didnt care and washed her face while she lookes trought the little window hopping she founds a little piece of sky. She couldnt. Stared at the mirror, she looked exausted, but she didnt care, she just wanted to fix her hair somehow, but she also couldnt find anything to do it.
Now she was walking to the kitchen, still looking for a piece of sky between the buildings. Damn how she hates that wiew! But he insisted, telling her some excuse like they wouldnt find anything better near the company.
She thougt about listing everything she hated, but she forgot the idea at the same second she thought about it... Opened the the fridge and closed it almost at the same time, like she was not paying attention to all that crap.
The room was still in silence.
She stood there for a while, bited her nails and got back to the bedroom, sitted at the same chair and lighted another cigarrete. She looked at the clock, it was early, she needed to go to the supermarket. She didnt want to go to the supermarked. She couldnt stand that woman, the manager, what a mooddy stupid cow! She never understended how that stupid woman could work there, she couldnt understand how that woman could work at all, anywhere.
She listened the door.. He was early!
He could've met her at some modern art gallery, with her bag and the color rings, or even at the supermarket what she was always complaining about some girl who works there. He couldnt see anything wrong with that girl, she is kinda cute tho.. But no, they met at the bus. Simple like this.
FUCK! How she would explain that situation?
He was now looking at her, who was standing in front of the bed, palid, with tear in her eyes.
She was shaking.
-I cant belive it! (he said)
He has the most beautiful eyes she ever seen, maybe thats why she married him.
-I... I.. (she tried to speak but she couldnt even hear her own voice)
-Why him? (now he was yelling).
He never yells. Why he is mad anyways? He didnt even like that guy at all!
-Im gonna call the cops! (he kept on screaming)
-No no no, not the cops, we dont need the cops. (now her voice was stronger)
-GEEZ! (he continued)
-He resisted at the first time!
He resisted? what the hell! she could do better than that!
- So what we should do now? (he sounded calm this time)
- I dont know! Im sorry! What do you suggest? I didnt meant to... (that whas the only thing she was sure about..)
He looked down for a while.. then looked at her. She looks desperate, he never saw her like that before. He got closer and held her., at the moment she started to cry.
-And what we should do about him? (he was freaking calm)
-He is my partner! At least was. (he completed)
He didnt like that guy, he knew exacly what kind of guy he was!
- Ill wash the sheets. I swear. (she said)
- Are you crazy? throw it away! Ill take care of him.
Take care of him? He had no idea how he would do it! He never got in any trouble.. well only once, in highscool, what was hes name? Joe something.. whatever.
The man walked to the bed, the guy was freezing.
He didnt even wanted to see the jerks face, although he could already see the beard.
That beard, he was still using that awful beard! He told him when they started at the company, he looks awful whith it. Why he never shaves it?
There was pieces of glaces and blood everywhere on the floor... and also on the pillow. Damn, hes favorite pillow, he would have to throw it away too.
He covered the guys face with the sheet, looked to his beautiful wife, now, feelling better by his side.
-Garbage of fire?
- Fire, honey. definitelly!
Sorry, if my typing sucks and my english is not that good, so be patient lol. I was bored last night so i wrote this. its useless i know.

btw, you dont have to reed it! too late? sorry again.
have a great day you all!

good story!

Back at ya, NY is so cold at mo all about the multiple layers, had a lot of fun spent most the time walking the streets nd shopping. So tired today nd got to move house after work boo !! Your writing is great always look forward to reading more soon xox