I'm tired of falling for the girl and never getting them. I'm tired of caring. I'm tired of feeling numb. I'm tired of chicago and this place.
I'm tired of wanting to find the words to say everything in my head and failing at it.
I'm tired of wanting to find the words to say everything in my head and failing at it.
you and me both kiddo, you and me both. i know it's trite and cliche, but hang in there. even if its 95% shit, you still have the 5% that isn't. you gotta focus on that. i just recently had my best friend of ten years tell me she hates me with practically every breath she takes, and for no reason. yeah i feel like shit, it hurts like hell, but you gotta just keep on keeping on. people will fuck you over time and time again, especially if you let them. and oh my god, especially girls. we suck. then again boys suck too, so in all reality people suck and you need a puppy. puppies make life better.or if you can't get a puppy, get a bunny. no but seriously, life is all ya got sweetheart, don't forget that. we all get stuck sometimes, but eventually you move on.

rgr that.