a week end animated...
first of all, i have viewed these dvd:
waouhhhhh! A Staggering Emotional Experience ...it was magic..
David Gilmour is a genius, amazing artist, singer, and musician. "Pulse" is the culmination of ALL of what makes Pink Floyd so spectacular. Their music is awesome.If you are fan of PF or just like to see live show you must buy it DVD.
It's superb!!! I'm waiting this release for long time ..
Sick, vile, disgusting; and completely hilarious...i love " Happy Tree Friends "..
Happy Tree Friends is best described as an `Itchy and Scratchy' concept..
Favorite Characters: Lumpy the Moose..
I have a new mobile phone with camera....I shoot some photos ..
Some tatoos of my friends..
Some photos of me and my tatoos...
Yesterday evening, i was to a festival called "ECO BCN"...
the theme of festival was ecology, nature and reggae... but my friends of
Pulsion played at 3H00 a.m..
it was very hard to wait..not beers,not hangovers, not trashers, not metal music,not tatoos,not long hairs.....only peace, reggae ,ska music and potatoes half-baked ..
NEVER !!!!
a week end animated...
first of all, i have viewed these dvd:
waouhhhhh! A Staggering Emotional Experience ...it was magic..
David Gilmour is a genius, amazing artist, singer, and musician. "Pulse" is the culmination of ALL of what makes Pink Floyd so spectacular. Their music is awesome.If you are fan of PF or just like to see live show you must buy it DVD.
It's superb!!! I'm waiting this release for long time ..
Sick, vile, disgusting; and completely hilarious...i love " Happy Tree Friends "..
Happy Tree Friends is best described as an `Itchy and Scratchy' concept..
Favorite Characters: Lumpy the Moose..
I have a new mobile phone with camera....I shoot some photos ..
Some tatoos of my friends..
Some photos of me and my tatoos...
Yesterday evening, i was to a festival called "ECO BCN"...
the theme of festival was ecology, nature and reggae... but my friends of
Pulsion played at 3H00 a.m..
it was very hard to wait..not beers,not hangovers, not trashers, not metal music,not tatoos,not long hairs.....only peace, reggae ,ska music and potatoes half-baked ..
NEVER !!!!
j'ai 2 formations, une electro-rock qui tourne depuis 7 ans bien qu'on ai ralenti fortement cette anne, le booking tant un boulot a temps complet que je n'ai plus le temps de grer et le passage du flambeau tant un peu compliqu
et pour l'autre on commence un tout petit peu tourner maintenant puisque avant notre activit principale tait de virer des batteurs
et toi par rapport Pulsion, copine de musicien ? booking ? dcaspuleuse de bire ? groupie ?