I got a new bike
I haven't had a bike since I was in 5th grade. I feel so free and light. It's a pink 70s beach cruiser. I haven't named it yet.
I'm at BetteJean's today and it's raining and sometimes thundering. I wish it would rain for a week. I wish everyone loved rain.
We have a wedding pretty much every weekend until mid-September, so things are very hectic and busy and stressful. I need a life coach. A free one. I make very little money as I build up my portfolio.
I've realized it's very hard having friends. I've only ever been any good at having one or two friends and telephones scare me to the point of shaking and sweating... it's stupid and frustrating. I am fine in person.
Anyway, I wish I could be near everyone I love all the time.
Also, some photos of my trip to Lebanon that i love. the last one is my friend hen and me... my face is fucking jubilant.:

I haven't had a bike since I was in 5th grade. I feel so free and light. It's a pink 70s beach cruiser. I haven't named it yet.
I'm at BetteJean's today and it's raining and sometimes thundering. I wish it would rain for a week. I wish everyone loved rain.
We have a wedding pretty much every weekend until mid-September, so things are very hectic and busy and stressful. I need a life coach. A free one. I make very little money as I build up my portfolio.
I've realized it's very hard having friends. I've only ever been any good at having one or two friends and telephones scare me to the point of shaking and sweating... it's stupid and frustrating. I am fine in person.
Anyway, I wish I could be near everyone I love all the time.
Also, some photos of my trip to Lebanon that i love. the last one is my friend hen and me... my face is fucking jubilant.:

Another friend of mine is terrified of the phone. I respect it but cannot say I understand it, haven't never felt the same way. I find it very intriguing.