Brita Angst
This is a st00pid rant but small things are annoying!!
and funny sometime
Ok so you know how there is pretty much always the issue of when to fill the Brita water filter (for those of you who have one). But in most cases it is not really an issue because the system is very simple. You can't let the water get below the filter because then the filter dries out and is bad. So the really obvious thing to do is to fill it when it gets below the filter and that is it. The other sort of obvious solution is to always fill it when you take water from it. So these were to two fighting theories at work (where the Brita in question lives) about how to deal with this trivial issue. I was and still am of the below the filter camp. There are several reasons but it comes down to this. The same amount of water that goes out of the brita must go into the brita. This doesnt change. You can fill it every time and that is annoying, or you can fill it every once in a while and save yourself the hassle of filling it sometimes. Also, you dont have to guess how much you took out when the brita is near full because overfilling is also bad. And also if someone fills to the top and then you go to get water and dont know the top is full you spill water all over yourself and become a big soggy disaster. : ( When the brita is not overfull you can very easily feel when the top has water. So the conflict arose because despite the fact that I tried to explain that merits of the filter filling solution, other people kept doing the fill when take water out thing. Consequently, I didnt fill the brita as much because I didnt fill it EVERY TIME (but I never broke my rule). And so people get mad and I would tell that you dont NEED to fill it every time because it hold a lot of water, that they can do what I do and the world will work better and they will save themselves time. But on one listens. And so them like 2 weeks ago, it seemed that I was filling the brita every time I got water because it was always low. And then on Friday I find out that this is because people have been intentional getting just enough water to put the Brita at the line and then waiting for me to fill it to get back at me for my selfish brita ways. ARGGGH!!!! It is really small issue (and a funny one once I take a step back) but it really sucks to have several people secretly conspiring against you to make your life more annoying. Like life isnt already annoying enough. Now I have to deal with people plotting stupid shit around me and once I figured this out they still wouldnt change because they said like liked never having to fill the brita and it was nice that I always did it. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!
Yup, so that is my rant. Other than that I loved the nice weather on Saturday and biked a lot and then went to ceremony where I had a good time and ended up meeting the girl that spins and industrial show on WRCT that I like which it way cool And had a good time dancing and hanging out but no SGers , (that I knew at least) so minor sad.
This is a st00pid rant but small things are annoying!!
and funny sometime
Ok so you know how there is pretty much always the issue of when to fill the Brita water filter (for those of you who have one). But in most cases it is not really an issue because the system is very simple. You can't let the water get below the filter because then the filter dries out and is bad. So the really obvious thing to do is to fill it when it gets below the filter and that is it. The other sort of obvious solution is to always fill it when you take water from it. So these were to two fighting theories at work (where the Brita in question lives) about how to deal with this trivial issue. I was and still am of the below the filter camp. There are several reasons but it comes down to this. The same amount of water that goes out of the brita must go into the brita. This doesnt change. You can fill it every time and that is annoying, or you can fill it every once in a while and save yourself the hassle of filling it sometimes. Also, you dont have to guess how much you took out when the brita is near full because overfilling is also bad. And also if someone fills to the top and then you go to get water and dont know the top is full you spill water all over yourself and become a big soggy disaster. : ( When the brita is not overfull you can very easily feel when the top has water. So the conflict arose because despite the fact that I tried to explain that merits of the filter filling solution, other people kept doing the fill when take water out thing. Consequently, I didnt fill the brita as much because I didnt fill it EVERY TIME (but I never broke my rule). And so people get mad and I would tell that you dont NEED to fill it every time because it hold a lot of water, that they can do what I do and the world will work better and they will save themselves time. But on one listens. And so them like 2 weeks ago, it seemed that I was filling the brita every time I got water because it was always low. And then on Friday I find out that this is because people have been intentional getting just enough water to put the Brita at the line and then waiting for me to fill it to get back at me for my selfish brita ways. ARGGGH!!!! It is really small issue (and a funny one once I take a step back) but it really sucks to have several people secretly conspiring against you to make your life more annoying. Like life isnt already annoying enough. Now I have to deal with people plotting stupid shit around me and once I figured this out they still wouldnt change because they said like liked never having to fill the brita and it was nice that I always did it. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!
Yup, so that is my rant. Other than that I loved the nice weather on Saturday and biked a lot and then went to ceremony where I had a good time and ended up meeting the girl that spins and industrial show on WRCT that I like which it way cool And had a good time dancing and hanging out but no SGers , (that I knew at least) so minor sad.
you should just forget the damn filter. all the chemicals, bacteria and parasites give it flavor
i went to the upstage and you weren't there
that's ok, maybe next week