I'm waiting for the second coming
while all the fucking so called saints keep searching for something
I'm a saint
A minion of hideous pity pacing
strumming a mini hum drum violin
while searching for someone silent
I hate waiting...
Well, I finally finished my leg tattoo by Adam Barton. he's doing another guest spot at my shop. I'm a little worn out from getting tattooed lately. The actual process isn't so bad anymore, in fact I'm quite used to the feeling. I've had 3 different ones morked on now within a week and i think my body is just tired.
A close member of my family just got an abortion yesterday. I'm proud of my parents for giving such support to her. They drove up to be with her and to help her though it. I've always considered myself prochoice, but I still believe one should never do it as a cop out for one's own choices and irresponsibilty. What's interesting was her internal battle with it. She views things from a very christian standpoint, so her first reaction was to keep it. The baby was concieved out of love, but since the pregnancy the relationship took a drastic downward spiral and some severe alcohol abuse and utter neglect on her man's part. Not to mention there were internal physical complications as well. I asked her how she felt today and she said this is the first time in months she hasn't felt sick. I think her decision was just and now I think it is crucial for the family to stick by her and remind her that she did the right thing so as not to impose unnecisary guilt. I think often times, though sad, people judge these instances carelessly and feel it is their duty to permeate said persons life with teir moral justifications and ideals, trying to help in their own careless ways, but actually worsening the overwhelming guilt. All I know is, she wrote a poem that made me cry so hard. i was in a restaraunt with my folks and I couldn't help it. She made the right decision. It's hard enough to bring a child into this world even under stable conditions, but it becomes very dark and very lonely and very trapping when were have no one there to raise this child with you.
Prolife or prochioce, I think most of us would opt for life. However, sometimes you have to make a hard decision on what is best for the child's life, even if that decision means no life for the child at this present time. The flesh may not be spared, but I believe its spirit still lives, and still gets a chance to find another body to live in. You can't kill the spirit.
while all the fucking so called saints keep searching for something
I'm a saint
A minion of hideous pity pacing
strumming a mini hum drum violin
while searching for someone silent
I hate waiting...
Well, I finally finished my leg tattoo by Adam Barton. he's doing another guest spot at my shop. I'm a little worn out from getting tattooed lately. The actual process isn't so bad anymore, in fact I'm quite used to the feeling. I've had 3 different ones morked on now within a week and i think my body is just tired.
A close member of my family just got an abortion yesterday. I'm proud of my parents for giving such support to her. They drove up to be with her and to help her though it. I've always considered myself prochoice, but I still believe one should never do it as a cop out for one's own choices and irresponsibilty. What's interesting was her internal battle with it. She views things from a very christian standpoint, so her first reaction was to keep it. The baby was concieved out of love, but since the pregnancy the relationship took a drastic downward spiral and some severe alcohol abuse and utter neglect on her man's part. Not to mention there were internal physical complications as well. I asked her how she felt today and she said this is the first time in months she hasn't felt sick. I think her decision was just and now I think it is crucial for the family to stick by her and remind her that she did the right thing so as not to impose unnecisary guilt. I think often times, though sad, people judge these instances carelessly and feel it is their duty to permeate said persons life with teir moral justifications and ideals, trying to help in their own careless ways, but actually worsening the overwhelming guilt. All I know is, she wrote a poem that made me cry so hard. i was in a restaraunt with my folks and I couldn't help it. She made the right decision. It's hard enough to bring a child into this world even under stable conditions, but it becomes very dark and very lonely and very trapping when were have no one there to raise this child with you.
Prolife or prochioce, I think most of us would opt for life. However, sometimes you have to make a hard decision on what is best for the child's life, even if that decision means no life for the child at this present time. The flesh may not be spared, but I believe its spirit still lives, and still gets a chance to find another body to live in. You can't kill the spirit.
P.S. - i think it's dope when you update.