just another bloody monday, full of midgets, pain and despair.
and i have had this splitting headach for the last two days and it wont go away.
i think i have a brain tumber.
that would be awsome, cuz then i could get a handicaped sticker and wont have to walk very far whereever i go. but for now i will just have to tough...
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It's probably a stress headache.
take care of yourself.
kiss kiss
how can there be pain and despair when you are surrounded by midgets? I hope you make it through....
hummmmmmmmmmmmm.............i really dont know what so say right now!
i only got like 10mins of sleep last night, worked 10 hours and i am about to tear out my transmission. so my tired ness is now overcumming me.

fucking cock sucking, donkey licking, cum chocking, dirtbox licking starter. probley one of the easiest things to get off my god damn car and all the bolts...
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sorry for being so mad.
so i would like to make a public apoligy to anyone who read the last entry.
my anger got to me.
it was uncalled for.

peace and love
nothing wants to work for me.
all that i have wants to go to crap.
i hate it all, fuck it.
i think it would be better if i just crawled into a hole and die, so that way i wouldnt be a burden on my family, what little friends i have, and all that just dont like me to begin with............yeah a fucking hole...
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Damn! if you ever need to chat...pinkykitten79 on yahoo messenger.
It's ok to vent. sometimes it's all you've got.
I hope shit gets better.
i fucking hate cars..........mine broke down................AGAIN.
fucking pos.
and its the damn transmission this time, which makes it worse............fuck it.

peace and love

p.s. have a great fucking day, i know i wont.

p.p.s i need a really stiff drink
I'm with you on everything on this journal!
I need a stiff drink as well.
kiss kiss If i were closer I would invite you out! biggrin
you know i heard draino could ease youre pain... let me go get the belt

[Edited on Apr 23, 2004 12:27AM]
i dont really know what so say today, so i will say this:

if you see a chance, take it.
if you have an ass, shake it.
if you know how to cook, bake it.
if you dont know how to read, fake it.

peace and love
hahaha biggrin
that's pretty cool! biggrin
it is now official,
i hate people.
they take my kindness as a weekness,
but now it is over.
i am going to start being like thoes other a-holes and treat them like shit just so they know how i feel.
thoes god damn chicken fuckers bok

peace and love

p.s. have a great day smile
fuck 'em. people are total asses sometimes. i've been there several times this week
aww ig nore them though, people like that just aint worth it
bad day, very very bad day

and all i have to say, is that ignorance is bliss, thats the reason why alot of morons are really happy
mad mad mad mad mad

peace and love
you are preaching to the choir---in otherwards- i totally agree with you. the more you know. the more miserable you are because the harder it seems to change what is wrong in this world...etc..
I feel you 100%. unfortunately....bleh

feel better kiss and try not to let the idiots invade your happiness. they are really not worth it.
all i have to say today is that everyone i have meet here are the best people ever and i am glade to have met you all.
so i bow down to you vixions of the internet, and continue to look at the beauty upon which you all poses.
my love goes out to you all

peace and love
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss love love love love love
blush blush blush blush
you're such a cutie pie. kiss kiss
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
it is a great day and it keeps getting better..................hope every ones else day is going good as well.

peace and love

fuck face eeek
glad you had a good day smile
love is such a wonderful thing, spending time with the ones you like, going for walks hand in hand, talking over cups of coffey, cuddling and spooning while wispering sweet nothing into each others ears.
gazing deep into that someones eyes and just wanting to say your deepest feelings. that is all that you need, looks dont matter only ones personality, sence of humor, and...
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well today was good so far.
my maniger invited me to go to his bands practice (punk), and sunday i am going to help put together a harley moter for one of my teachers.

and tonight i am going to the billards.
fun stuff, but anyway it will prove to be a good weekend.

and oh yeah.................FUCK YEAH ITS FIRDAY..........BIZNITCH

peace and love to all...
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I could kick your ass at pool, bitch!


p.s. I mean that in an endearing, loving sort of way. Have fun smile
sounds like a fun weekend. I'll be doing homework all weekend. I'm jealous smile