He stepped on my foot and i shook his hand:
how i met carlos from interpol
INTERPOL was fucking awesome
saw them at twiropa in NOLA last night
fucking bad ass
blonde redhead did a good job of reminding me that they are a fucking amazing band
and that japanese chick singer... she's alll tall and skinny and shreiking... i may have a new celebrity crush
carlos of interpol (the bassist who has the coolest clothes on earth- and looks like willard)
DJed the afterparty at this little club
which was fucking rad cause there he was all with headphones and wearing his same sweet gear he wore at the show, spinning everything from bloc party to danzig and heart and some crazy dance shit i aint ever heard before. SUCH a good time
we left there and went and got some grub at this crazy allnight diner/bar and then drove home.
i saw a buncha the jackson folks i miss and love and that was rad
well after rocking out to interpol and then danicing for around 4-5hours to carlos's records i cant believe i didnt die, thank you energy pills/energydrinks/adderall
well im awake and its saturday so im gonna go drink
much love yall
how i met carlos from interpol
INTERPOL was fucking awesome
saw them at twiropa in NOLA last night
fucking bad ass
blonde redhead did a good job of reminding me that they are a fucking amazing band
and that japanese chick singer... she's alll tall and skinny and shreiking... i may have a new celebrity crush
carlos of interpol (the bassist who has the coolest clothes on earth- and looks like willard)
DJed the afterparty at this little club
which was fucking rad cause there he was all with headphones and wearing his same sweet gear he wore at the show, spinning everything from bloc party to danzig and heart and some crazy dance shit i aint ever heard before. SUCH a good time
we left there and went and got some grub at this crazy allnight diner/bar and then drove home.
i saw a buncha the jackson folks i miss and love and that was rad
well after rocking out to interpol and then danicing for around 4-5hours to carlos's records i cant believe i didnt die, thank you energy pills/energydrinks/adderall
well im awake and its saturday so im gonna go drink
much love yall
