Monday, April 09, 2007
with love and regret
everything ends, eventually
sometimes sadly sooner than it feels it should
ive lost my big city smile
my crooked tooth fast pace
my quick witted heart
my perfect look perfect fit
i may have lost my number one fan
my plymouth rock too
it feels like nothing happened in the right order.
like maybe woulda or shoulda
could have worked.
my mother said she understood the fuss
im glad you met her.
ill not tell her how it happened,
shes too sweet for me to worry.
one push too much
one drunken abuse of size too much
and i shattered what a million fights
and cruelties and forgivenesses and bitter looks
and laughter and understanding and everything that makes a friendship
i broke.
i broke
i did.
ill always think of you with love and regret.
mostly love, but alot of regret.
theres nothing leavable about you if anyone takes the time to get close
you have some of my heart keep it well, ill keep the bit you gave me of yours.
ill see you in owls and necklaces and in every cool chick i see.
i bid you a fond farewell and a sleep well sweet dreams
and a rich love filled life.
with love and regret,
-joshua david raila
with love and regret
everything ends, eventually
sometimes sadly sooner than it feels it should
ive lost my big city smile
my crooked tooth fast pace
my quick witted heart
my perfect look perfect fit
i may have lost my number one fan
my plymouth rock too
it feels like nothing happened in the right order.
like maybe woulda or shoulda
could have worked.
my mother said she understood the fuss
im glad you met her.
ill not tell her how it happened,
shes too sweet for me to worry.
one push too much
one drunken abuse of size too much
and i shattered what a million fights
and cruelties and forgivenesses and bitter looks
and laughter and understanding and everything that makes a friendship
i broke.
i broke
i did.
ill always think of you with love and regret.
mostly love, but alot of regret.
theres nothing leavable about you if anyone takes the time to get close
you have some of my heart keep it well, ill keep the bit you gave me of yours.
ill see you in owls and necklaces and in every cool chick i see.
i bid you a fond farewell and a sleep well sweet dreams
and a rich love filled life.
with love and regret,
-joshua david raila

did someone die?
no, but she wont talk to me anymore ever.