Its is amazing how, when you're feeling down and insecure and afraid, all it takes is a few good words from a great friend to make you confident again. I am so grateful for the friends I've made while living here, even though I'm not very fond of living here (understatement
) I have at least met some really incredible people who are really giving me the confidence to change my life and take charge of myself.
Life and relationships are give and take, give and take. Compromise. It takes two to tango and both people have to be willing to give up things to make it work. But that doesn't mean giving up your dreams, only finding new ways to reach them. It's up to you to learn when to back down, and when to dig your heels in. When to let things go and when something is too important to let slide. It's hard work and it takes determination.
There is nothing harder in the world than changing yourself. We become so set in our ways, so spoiled when we're by ourselves, that when it's time to make the commitment to another person, we bicker and fight about who is right and who is wrong. But the truth is there's not really any such thing. Things simply just are and have to worked around.
I know that when you don't really talk on the phone, it doesn't mean you don't want to talk to me. You just hate being on the phone! Which kind of makes me smile, because I can be such a ridiculous chatter box! If you're busy, you're busy, and so what? Nothing I have to say is so very important that it can't wait, and if I forget, then obviously it didn't matter anyway! (this btw is just general going's on, I've got two beers under my belt, er, button, since I took off my belt.)
I am making my Mantra " Heels DOWN, shoulders BACK, chin UP, FORWARD, half halt and SOFTEN to remind myself that challenges are meant to be met head on and overcome with determination and patience. I'm not very good at boldly doing things on my own without someone around to back me up. I often complain when I'm asked to do something beyond my comfort zone. I'm insecure, no matter how bold my friends think I am. I just like to show off aroudn other people and that makes me bold. Real boldness comes from doing things your afraid of or nervous about when there is no one there to hold your hand. Real boldness is also giving in when it is simply time to let someone else take over, or letting something go when it's time.
I want to face all the challenges in my life this way. From now one, when my trainer tells me to do something I've never done before, I'm just going to do it. No more "But I've never done this before!" When my own insecurity makes me feel sad, I'm going to remind myself that monsters under the bed are all my own imagination. When my teachers say, "We trust you" instead of saying I'm not ready to be trusted, I'm going to say "I trust me too."
Nothing is easy about reforming yourself. It isn't easy to realize that it's time to stop throwing your tantrum, get up off the floor and move one. And once you realized it, it still isn't easy to do it.
But I can. Not because I have to, but because I want too.

Life and relationships are give and take, give and take. Compromise. It takes two to tango and both people have to be willing to give up things to make it work. But that doesn't mean giving up your dreams, only finding new ways to reach them. It's up to you to learn when to back down, and when to dig your heels in. When to let things go and when something is too important to let slide. It's hard work and it takes determination.
There is nothing harder in the world than changing yourself. We become so set in our ways, so spoiled when we're by ourselves, that when it's time to make the commitment to another person, we bicker and fight about who is right and who is wrong. But the truth is there's not really any such thing. Things simply just are and have to worked around.
I know that when you don't really talk on the phone, it doesn't mean you don't want to talk to me. You just hate being on the phone! Which kind of makes me smile, because I can be such a ridiculous chatter box! If you're busy, you're busy, and so what? Nothing I have to say is so very important that it can't wait, and if I forget, then obviously it didn't matter anyway! (this btw is just general going's on, I've got two beers under my belt, er, button, since I took off my belt.)
I am making my Mantra " Heels DOWN, shoulders BACK, chin UP, FORWARD, half halt and SOFTEN to remind myself that challenges are meant to be met head on and overcome with determination and patience. I'm not very good at boldly doing things on my own without someone around to back me up. I often complain when I'm asked to do something beyond my comfort zone. I'm insecure, no matter how bold my friends think I am. I just like to show off aroudn other people and that makes me bold. Real boldness comes from doing things your afraid of or nervous about when there is no one there to hold your hand. Real boldness is also giving in when it is simply time to let someone else take over, or letting something go when it's time.
I want to face all the challenges in my life this way. From now one, when my trainer tells me to do something I've never done before, I'm just going to do it. No more "But I've never done this before!" When my own insecurity makes me feel sad, I'm going to remind myself that monsters under the bed are all my own imagination. When my teachers say, "We trust you" instead of saying I'm not ready to be trusted, I'm going to say "I trust me too."
Nothing is easy about reforming yourself. It isn't easy to realize that it's time to stop throwing your tantrum, get up off the floor and move one. And once you realized it, it still isn't easy to do it.
But I can. Not because I have to, but because I want too.
Stumbled across your blog and just wanted to compliment you on it. Extremely well put!
Good luck with your new Mantra... definately a good one to have!