Rethinking my day, So new blog goes as follows:
Was a little sick this morning, but got to sleep late b/c of the two hour delay at school, SO nice to not wake up until 8 o'clock! I had fun at the school barn today learning how to give meds to cattle. In typical me fashion I knocked over a bottle of Panacure, cattle dewormer, all over the floor. But my friends helped me clean it up and my teachers didn't seem to mind. I had fun wrestling with our little (only 1,013 pounds!) two year old steer (castrated male), named Spectacle, to give him his dewormer and help another girl give him a bolus, and then I held in a Fricks speculum ( along metal tube) while the other girl put in an orogastric tube. I'm the only one in my 3-girl group who's brave around the cows. I felt like a real cowgirl, which was pretty awesome. It made me feel tough. We took blood too, from tail veins. I drew blood from a different cow, since Spec is too feisty and young to be safe with. It was really hard and our vet had to help me hold the tail up, I could not believe how strong that cows tail was, but I got 5ccs of blood on my second attempt.
Then after lab EVERYONE's cars had to be pushed up the hill and over the cattle guard. 8 cars. It was kind of funny, we pushed out Cheryls car first, and she purposely blocked the driveway so that everyone would have to stay and help push out cars until everyone's car had made it past the cattle gaurd. It was pretty fun team work, which is something I really love about the group I'm in. For the most part we always manage to group together for the greater good LOL.
Had another great lunch with my buddies Cheryl and Sara, we went to Arby's an dI ate a ton. *nom nom* I <3 roast beef.
During lab techniques we looked at Avian and Reptile blood, which was quite difficult, since ALL of their cells are nucleated, unlike mammalian blood where only the WBCs are. I guess it was kinda neat though, seeing different types of blood, but I am SO never going into exotics. I love snakes and some small exotic type pets, but birds are just creepy.
After that we did our cow fecals, Cheryl found coccidea, Eimeria spp, in Specs sample. Dr. B was pretty interested and helped us identify it and took a couple of pictures.
Dinner: I went to our awesome mexican restaurant and had the best chicken soup in the world. I need to start eating more protein and carbs, so as tired as I get of chicken, I need to eat more of it. If it's in yummy Mexican chicken soup form,. I think I could manage.
Now I'm waiting for some AAA batteries to charge so I can get my tape recorder working and start studying for Thursdays test on clinical chemistry, and Fridays test on energy providing nutrients. I'm trying not to rip my hair out! Obviously I have not improved my study habits >.<
Tomorrow we have a conference on Emergency Treatment which should be pretty interesting. No classes and FREE LUNCH!! I'm hoping for barbeque and macaroni and cheese. Cross your fingers!
Was a little sick this morning, but got to sleep late b/c of the two hour delay at school, SO nice to not wake up until 8 o'clock! I had fun at the school barn today learning how to give meds to cattle. In typical me fashion I knocked over a bottle of Panacure, cattle dewormer, all over the floor. But my friends helped me clean it up and my teachers didn't seem to mind. I had fun wrestling with our little (only 1,013 pounds!) two year old steer (castrated male), named Spectacle, to give him his dewormer and help another girl give him a bolus, and then I held in a Fricks speculum ( along metal tube) while the other girl put in an orogastric tube. I'm the only one in my 3-girl group who's brave around the cows. I felt like a real cowgirl, which was pretty awesome. It made me feel tough. We took blood too, from tail veins. I drew blood from a different cow, since Spec is too feisty and young to be safe with. It was really hard and our vet had to help me hold the tail up, I could not believe how strong that cows tail was, but I got 5ccs of blood on my second attempt.
Then after lab EVERYONE's cars had to be pushed up the hill and over the cattle guard. 8 cars. It was kind of funny, we pushed out Cheryls car first, and she purposely blocked the driveway so that everyone would have to stay and help push out cars until everyone's car had made it past the cattle gaurd. It was pretty fun team work, which is something I really love about the group I'm in. For the most part we always manage to group together for the greater good LOL.
Had another great lunch with my buddies Cheryl and Sara, we went to Arby's an dI ate a ton. *nom nom* I <3 roast beef.

During lab techniques we looked at Avian and Reptile blood, which was quite difficult, since ALL of their cells are nucleated, unlike mammalian blood where only the WBCs are. I guess it was kinda neat though, seeing different types of blood, but I am SO never going into exotics. I love snakes and some small exotic type pets, but birds are just creepy.
After that we did our cow fecals, Cheryl found coccidea, Eimeria spp, in Specs sample. Dr. B was pretty interested and helped us identify it and took a couple of pictures.
Dinner: I went to our awesome mexican restaurant and had the best chicken soup in the world. I need to start eating more protein and carbs, so as tired as I get of chicken, I need to eat more of it. If it's in yummy Mexican chicken soup form,. I think I could manage.
Now I'm waiting for some AAA batteries to charge so I can get my tape recorder working and start studying for Thursdays test on clinical chemistry, and Fridays test on energy providing nutrients. I'm trying not to rip my hair out! Obviously I have not improved my study habits >.<
Tomorrow we have a conference on Emergency Treatment which should be pretty interesting. No classes and FREE LUNCH!! I'm hoping for barbeque and macaroni and cheese. Cross your fingers!