Pretty freaking crappy day.
Threw up brushing my teeth this morning. Had to park my car at the church next door b/c our driveway is nasty and frozen and sloppy. Fell on the ice. My carpool buddy and I were late too class, even with a tow hour delay because we had left our medical boxes in our lockers at school. At the barn spent a few minutes dry heaving in the porta potty (which thankfully doesn't look like anyone's every used it before BLEGH still nasty though). I knocked over a bottle of Panacur, which is cattle dewormer, and got nasty white pasty stuff all over the barn floor and my coveralls. My male instructor, Jonathan, asked me if I was calving ( I AM NOT!) which did not improve my mood at all. The only fun I had was when we started giving the cows oral meds, I had fun wrestling with our little two year old steer (castrated male), named Spectacle, to give him his dewormer and help another girl give him a bolus, and then I held in a Fricks speculum ( along metal tube) while the other girl put in an orogastric tube. I'm the only one in my group who's brave around the cows. We took blood too, from tail veins. I drew blood from a different cow, since Spec is too feisty and young to be safe with. It was really hard and our vet had to help me hold the tail up, I could not believe how strong that cows tail was. Then after lab EVERYONE's cars had to be pushed up the hill and over the cattle guard. 8 cars.
By the end of all this I really felt like crap of course. Cold and nasty. We had lunch at Arby's *nom nom* and I ate just fine. I do not understand why I'm getting so damn sick in the morning and I know damn well I'm not "calving". In Lab we had to look at reptile and bird blood which was awful and gave me a horrible headache. Then my partner found coccidia (Emeria spp) in our cows feces so the vet wanted pictures.
Now I have to study for a test on clinical chemistry, and my shoulder is again feeling like someone put a vice grip on it. I'm cold tired and cranky and I want to shower and curl up in my bed and cry just out of plan old babyish-ness. I need to put a good spin on things.
Cheryl and I did not die on the way to school. WOOT!!!
I was a freaking cowgirl today holding Specs head with my hand his mouth and giving him meds.
I ate lunch and kept it down. So what if dinner is debatable?
Tomorrow we have a conference on emergency medical techniques, which means no class and free lunch. SCORE!
So THERE! Good stuff LOL. I wish wasn't so cranky!! So shower, hot tea, and studying. Onward ho!
Threw up brushing my teeth this morning. Had to park my car at the church next door b/c our driveway is nasty and frozen and sloppy. Fell on the ice. My carpool buddy and I were late too class, even with a tow hour delay because we had left our medical boxes in our lockers at school. At the barn spent a few minutes dry heaving in the porta potty (which thankfully doesn't look like anyone's every used it before BLEGH still nasty though). I knocked over a bottle of Panacur, which is cattle dewormer, and got nasty white pasty stuff all over the barn floor and my coveralls. My male instructor, Jonathan, asked me if I was calving ( I AM NOT!) which did not improve my mood at all. The only fun I had was when we started giving the cows oral meds, I had fun wrestling with our little two year old steer (castrated male), named Spectacle, to give him his dewormer and help another girl give him a bolus, and then I held in a Fricks speculum ( along metal tube) while the other girl put in an orogastric tube. I'm the only one in my group who's brave around the cows. We took blood too, from tail veins. I drew blood from a different cow, since Spec is too feisty and young to be safe with. It was really hard and our vet had to help me hold the tail up, I could not believe how strong that cows tail was. Then after lab EVERYONE's cars had to be pushed up the hill and over the cattle guard. 8 cars.
By the end of all this I really felt like crap of course. Cold and nasty. We had lunch at Arby's *nom nom* and I ate just fine. I do not understand why I'm getting so damn sick in the morning and I know damn well I'm not "calving". In Lab we had to look at reptile and bird blood which was awful and gave me a horrible headache. Then my partner found coccidia (Emeria spp) in our cows feces so the vet wanted pictures.
Now I have to study for a test on clinical chemistry, and my shoulder is again feeling like someone put a vice grip on it. I'm cold tired and cranky and I want to shower and curl up in my bed and cry just out of plan old babyish-ness. I need to put a good spin on things.
Cheryl and I did not die on the way to school. WOOT!!!
I was a freaking cowgirl today holding Specs head with my hand his mouth and giving him meds.
I ate lunch and kept it down. So what if dinner is debatable?
Tomorrow we have a conference on emergency medical techniques, which means no class and free lunch. SCORE!
So THERE! Good stuff LOL. I wish wasn't so cranky!! So shower, hot tea, and studying. Onward ho!