Reg. Horoscope
An opportunity could arrive in the oddest way for you today, Leo. There is a clear sign of change and new beginnings, while there is a planetary combination that shows fortunate revelations, and the removal of burdens: it looks almost as if something or someone that has been holding you back in a subtle or hidden way is about to be removed from your life. Because of Jupiter, things look really favorable, but you need to focus on what it is you really need to be happy. This should not be a new debt.
*Me: I don't like this. Sometimes the truth is quite painful. The debt part makes me think about riding lessons, I have no money to pay for this weeks. when I had my laptop I was putting all of these on a word file so I could use them the way I used to use my rune stones. I really need to remember to get them the next time I go home. I like using rune stones a lot better than online horoscopes.
You are best to have a little bit of alone time today, Leo, as things on the romantic front have been fairly intense for you lately. Withdrawing from social contact may seem like going against the grain for you, but you are going to see more progress with love if you enjoy some alone time today. You may be experiencing some sadness or disappointment on the romantic front right now, and reflection will allow you to look objectively at the issues that have brought you to this place. This may not feel like a pleasurable period, but it will be beneficial to you in terms of long term romantic success.
*Me: Alone time does not feel good to me at all. There is rarely such a thing as "enjoying alone time for me at all. Especially since here, its forced on me, I have no choice but to be alone.
I had a good day at school today, despite a rough time with my medical team this morning, clinics lab went well and was even fun. My Dr. was in a good mood and so was Jonathan (one of our teachers who sort of sees over everything). I had to wrestle with a giant Great Dane, who gave me bruises on my legs and hit me in the back of the head with it's steel cage muzzle. Eventually it took 7 people to pin the dog down for a nail trim after sedation had no effect.
Then what happens after school? That's right my dumb mother fucking self left my headlights on for the hundredth time in my life since I was 16 and killed my battery. Some girls had to help me jump it. Thank you, you who bought me jumper cables. What would I do without the numerous helpful things (material or otherwise )you have given me?
So despite a decent day, I'm so tired and I really feel like crying. I feel lonely and I hate being lonely. There is no worse punishment in the world for me but to loneliness. I think I need to take a nap, but I'm afraid I will wind up crying myself to sleep, a cup of coffee might be a better idea instead.
My old shoulder pain is starting up again, and it hurts so bad. I feel like someone has put a vice on my shoulder and cranked it down. Maybe that's why I feel like crying? It started hurting last night and now I feel like my shoulder is being ripped off.
Pray for me that it will snow Friday. There is supposed to be bad weather, and I really need it to come so my trainer will cancel our horse show. I feel so guilty about wanting to back out of it, but I just don;t feel prepared especially financially to do this.I know, I am always bitching about money or something aren't I? I need to get my priorities straight. But I'm also just tired. Right now they're thinking of moving the show to Friday, it was meant to be Saturday, but I don't think they'll avoid the weather that way. I just want the whole thing to be canceled.
In slightly better news, I made a 101% on my firs radiology test for the semester, and tomorrows test in CP has been moved to Friday, and my Nutrition instructor let us pick our date for our next test. So that's a little bit of relief, but I really need to pick up the slack on my studying habits.
I'm going to go do soemthing. Sleep, try to find pain pills better than Tylenol (hah!), coffee, something. Something since I have to spend the day alone.
An opportunity could arrive in the oddest way for you today, Leo. There is a clear sign of change and new beginnings, while there is a planetary combination that shows fortunate revelations, and the removal of burdens: it looks almost as if something or someone that has been holding you back in a subtle or hidden way is about to be removed from your life. Because of Jupiter, things look really favorable, but you need to focus on what it is you really need to be happy. This should not be a new debt.
*Me: I don't like this. Sometimes the truth is quite painful. The debt part makes me think about riding lessons, I have no money to pay for this weeks. when I had my laptop I was putting all of these on a word file so I could use them the way I used to use my rune stones. I really need to remember to get them the next time I go home. I like using rune stones a lot better than online horoscopes.
You are best to have a little bit of alone time today, Leo, as things on the romantic front have been fairly intense for you lately. Withdrawing from social contact may seem like going against the grain for you, but you are going to see more progress with love if you enjoy some alone time today. You may be experiencing some sadness or disappointment on the romantic front right now, and reflection will allow you to look objectively at the issues that have brought you to this place. This may not feel like a pleasurable period, but it will be beneficial to you in terms of long term romantic success.
*Me: Alone time does not feel good to me at all. There is rarely such a thing as "enjoying alone time for me at all. Especially since here, its forced on me, I have no choice but to be alone.
I had a good day at school today, despite a rough time with my medical team this morning, clinics lab went well and was even fun. My Dr. was in a good mood and so was Jonathan (one of our teachers who sort of sees over everything). I had to wrestle with a giant Great Dane, who gave me bruises on my legs and hit me in the back of the head with it's steel cage muzzle. Eventually it took 7 people to pin the dog down for a nail trim after sedation had no effect.
Then what happens after school? That's right my dumb mother fucking self left my headlights on for the hundredth time in my life since I was 16 and killed my battery. Some girls had to help me jump it. Thank you, you who bought me jumper cables. What would I do without the numerous helpful things (material or otherwise )you have given me?
So despite a decent day, I'm so tired and I really feel like crying. I feel lonely and I hate being lonely. There is no worse punishment in the world for me but to loneliness. I think I need to take a nap, but I'm afraid I will wind up crying myself to sleep, a cup of coffee might be a better idea instead.
My old shoulder pain is starting up again, and it hurts so bad. I feel like someone has put a vice on my shoulder and cranked it down. Maybe that's why I feel like crying? It started hurting last night and now I feel like my shoulder is being ripped off.
Pray for me that it will snow Friday. There is supposed to be bad weather, and I really need it to come so my trainer will cancel our horse show. I feel so guilty about wanting to back out of it, but I just don;t feel prepared especially financially to do this.I know, I am always bitching about money or something aren't I? I need to get my priorities straight. But I'm also just tired. Right now they're thinking of moving the show to Friday, it was meant to be Saturday, but I don't think they'll avoid the weather that way. I just want the whole thing to be canceled.
In slightly better news, I made a 101% on my firs radiology test for the semester, and tomorrows test in CP has been moved to Friday, and my Nutrition instructor let us pick our date for our next test. So that's a little bit of relief, but I really need to pick up the slack on my studying habits.
I'm going to go do soemthing. Sleep, try to find pain pills better than Tylenol (hah!), coffee, something. Something since I have to spend the day alone.
Now the horse show is supposed to be moved to Sunday..which is my volunteer day at the tiger rescue.