I Think Therefore I Am.
Colbs and I made it through election night with only a few scrapes. I finally got my camera back after leaving it at the hosts house that night. WHoo Hoo!
In other news.....
I HAVE A JOB. A real one, with a coffee maker and a receptionist and every thing. And the best news of all is that it's at a design firm, so I don't have to look like a deflated nun when I go in to work. Granted, the owner is out of town (hired me right before she left) but every time she called yesterday she was short and sweet. She also told one of the designers that she is really liking having me there. So far, I'm on a contract basis, but if her plans come through, I could end up "permanant".
I'd likely stay with them until I move to NYC. Shhh! Don't tell anyone!
Yesterday I had a fallout wiith a man I adored. Very sad. I really do feel I'm great at nuturing a lover into a friendship. But this time I think I'm in for a real challenge. I amaze myself with how much time I have given to men who don't love me.
Not asking for pity. I'm just sayin' Those brown eyes you see up there are so too good for mediocre love.

Colbs and I made it through election night with only a few scrapes. I finally got my camera back after leaving it at the hosts house that night. WHoo Hoo!

In other news.....
I HAVE A JOB. A real one, with a coffee maker and a receptionist and every thing. And the best news of all is that it's at a design firm, so I don't have to look like a deflated nun when I go in to work. Granted, the owner is out of town (hired me right before she left) but every time she called yesterday she was short and sweet. She also told one of the designers that she is really liking having me there. So far, I'm on a contract basis, but if her plans come through, I could end up "permanant".
I'd likely stay with them until I move to NYC. Shhh! Don't tell anyone!
Yesterday I had a fallout wiith a man I adored. Very sad. I really do feel I'm great at nuturing a lover into a friendship. But this time I think I'm in for a real challenge. I amaze myself with how much time I have given to men who don't love me.

Not asking for pity. I'm just sayin' Those brown eyes you see up there are so too good for mediocre love.
oooh, a design firm. I hope to work at one of them someday.
Congrats!!! Do we get to do it now?