The best thing to do is to listen and process. That is what 90% of effective communication is. But then you have to choose your words VERY carefully for the 10% time allotted to actually speak. Up in Oceanside with my friend Jennifer who has been complimenting my ability to tactfully disagree. I am likely less affective than she believes me to be, however, its so sweet of her to say.
I have a bad habit of lawyer-ing my points with carefully chosen questions. But my poker face (passed down from my mothers mother an so on, thank you) is what prevents the other party from getting miffed. Todays example:
I think its actually six hundred and thirteen Jewish laws.
Oh, is it?
So you dont believe in fundamentals of Judaism but you are very strict about wanting your kid to celebrate Hanukah only? Interesting that just that one holiday is important to you.
I just dont want my kid to get confused, ya know?
Clearly. Now, were you born Jewish?
No, I was Catholic. I converted.
Ok. Huh..
Huh is the grunt to save face. Its the acknowledgment of understanding, but by no means an agreement. Huh is writer talk for Look, I am going to let that one slide because this 10% talk time is valuable to me.
it is likely that your distance setting is smaller than mine