I had dinner tonight with a lawyer/author who is self publishing her book in January. She asked me a million questions about myself and she kept saying "Your life is so fun! You've done so much. I'd love to trade places with you!" Awkward moments on my end dotted our talk.
Sometimes I actually wish I had just lived in the same city all my life. Of course I know I'm not quite the cosmopolitan vixen some people seem to think. But when I encounter this sort of flattery, I can easily twist it into insult in my head. Example: Yeah. My life is weird. Maybe I'm weird. I probably look like an immature vagrant woman/child who people feel sorry for because they think "When will she EVER settle down and stop running?"
I can SO Charlie Kaufman myself into a corner.
I'm watching the end of

as I type.
It's Saturday night. What the hell am I doing here alone?
Keyword for my life right now: J-O-B.
I'm going to look over this BCBG mailer (of which i will never actually purchase anything from) and the new West Elm catalog before I fantasize about beautifully smart, pasty boys while I drift off to sleep....
nite nite

funny you had have adaptation up...i just watched it tonight...i have to watch it again though b/c i was working at home at the same time...got lots done though...
Yeah, totally. Best weekend ever.