They're getting sued. The charity I woork for, that is. All I can say is...If you kick a dog too many times, eventually it'll bite your ass. I tip my hat to the guy who filed the complaint. May he get the justice he deserves and teach these ingrats a lesson in the process.
Meanwhile, back at my humble abode, I am packing for Nashville!
I leave Friday morning and won't be back until Monday night. Wahoo! I wanted to make it over to Guru before I left for the trip because I'm in a wedding on Sunday that I have to wear this very tame purple strapless gown for and I thought it would be the perfect occasion to debut my new piece on my back. Oh well. At least I have it to look forward to when I return.
So, did everybody see
Bettinas "Heist" set today?
She looks gorgeous. Love her retro style.
Also, if anyone gets abit bored and needs a good laugh, please check out Judy McGuire's column in the NY Press this week.
Here's a teaser:
"Friends don't fuck their friend's girlfriend, no matter how hot said girlfriend might happen to be, and no matter how much said girlfriend might beg for a bite of his manwich. I'll go so far as to maintain that a truly good pal won't sleep with your girlie even after she becomes your exat least not without obtaining permission from you first."
Meanwhile, back at my humble abode, I am packing for Nashville!

So, did everybody see
Bettinas "Heist" set today?

Also, if anyone gets abit bored and needs a good laugh, please check out Judy McGuire's column in the NY Press this week.
Here's a teaser:
"Friends don't fuck their friend's girlfriend, no matter how hot said girlfriend might happen to be, and no matter how much said girlfriend might beg for a bite of his manwich. I'll go so far as to maintain that a truly good pal won't sleep with your girlie even after she becomes your exat least not without obtaining permission from you first."
In situations where offers of manwiche meat exchanges are made, one finds them selves evaluating said friendship. Quickly rushed, so not to miss opportunity, a complete and total inventory of the friendship mush be made. Hopefully it has been a short friendship, thus speeding the process.
Does this friend often borrow CDs and not return them? Is this friend always there when you need them, or do they more often need your assistance? Did he pay back the five bucks he borrowed at the Britney Spears concert, to buy that T-shirt he could not live without? Because if he did not pay back the five bucks, he owes me, with interest, and I am collecting accounts receivable via his old lady.
I just noticed you posted to my journal. This is my way of saying hello.
My brother lives in San Diego. Do you know James? There cant be more than one out there.
I bought a cabin norh of OKC. I have this whole new plan for my life that involves focusing on my kids and business.
How long since you lived in Oklahoma?