Back from the trip. I met up with a friend that I haven't seen in a while and on Saturday when we were drinking a few beers I decided to tell him about SG and that I was considering applying. In reality, I started my application process already but haven't yet submitted a photoset. Anyway, he said some things that have made me reconsider.
Before any of you think that I am against what Missy is doing here with SG, please know I'm absolutely not. And since I am someone who has done plenty of nude modeling for photographers and painters, you must also get it has nothing to do with me having men see me naked. What comes into play in my decsion making is my motivation for being on a soft porn site.
The questions posed to me that were like a knife in my side were "Why do you want to do this? What are you looking to get out of it?" Immediately I cited the class with which Missy operates this site as well as the journals and the sense of community and etc. But my friend - who I really don't consider to be conservative in his thinking, pointed out that no matter how you look at it, SG is still a porn site for which many men and women pay a fee and use to get their rocks off.
I have no problem with soft porn. I came to this site after reading Jeff Koyens review of the SG book in the NY Press. My first thought was "Wow. A place where girls like me write journals and promote their stuff." By "stuff", I didn't mean their tits. But thinking about it now, I realize - I am either extremely naive or so good at lying to myself that I don't even recognize certain truths anymore.
As someone who has been complainiing for the last 2 years that I'm sick of men treating me only as an object, someone to fuck, I can't help but wonder how I could overlook the liklihood that posing for SG would be enforcing such an idea.
The fact is, I'm a writer who fancies herself a promoter of social justice and love for all. And I don't know where/how erotic nude pictures of me fits in with the person that I need to be known as. I'm all for women doing whatever they want to do and expressing themselves in whatever way satisfys them. I love Missy's artistic flair on SG and I enjoy looking at the photos. Maybe the difference is that I am looking at tattoos, clothes, hairstyles and framing of the shots, so I tend to forget that a lot of people are merely looking for a good shot of T & A.
I know how this sounds. I am really open to reading anyone else's comments on this. At any rate, it may be a mute point because Missy and her crew are strict about who they grant the title of SG and I could be rejected along with so many others.
I guess the questions I'm asking are:
What do you patrons think about the girls of SG? Do you think they are looking for attention? Do you think they'll get the kind of attention they want?Are these girls, at first thought, resopectable, intelligent women that you would want for a long term, serious relationship? Would you be okay with your sister posing on this site? And for the girls: Why do you pose naked on this site? Money? Fun? If SG had no nudity, would it still be a place you want to log your internet hours? Are you looking for longterm realtionships?
Again, my decision has not been made. I'm just thinking this through and look forward to any comments.
Before any of you think that I am against what Missy is doing here with SG, please know I'm absolutely not. And since I am someone who has done plenty of nude modeling for photographers and painters, you must also get it has nothing to do with me having men see me naked. What comes into play in my decsion making is my motivation for being on a soft porn site.
The questions posed to me that were like a knife in my side were "Why do you want to do this? What are you looking to get out of it?" Immediately I cited the class with which Missy operates this site as well as the journals and the sense of community and etc. But my friend - who I really don't consider to be conservative in his thinking, pointed out that no matter how you look at it, SG is still a porn site for which many men and women pay a fee and use to get their rocks off.
I have no problem with soft porn. I came to this site after reading Jeff Koyens review of the SG book in the NY Press. My first thought was "Wow. A place where girls like me write journals and promote their stuff." By "stuff", I didn't mean their tits. But thinking about it now, I realize - I am either extremely naive or so good at lying to myself that I don't even recognize certain truths anymore.
As someone who has been complainiing for the last 2 years that I'm sick of men treating me only as an object, someone to fuck, I can't help but wonder how I could overlook the liklihood that posing for SG would be enforcing such an idea.
The fact is, I'm a writer who fancies herself a promoter of social justice and love for all. And I don't know where/how erotic nude pictures of me fits in with the person that I need to be known as. I'm all for women doing whatever they want to do and expressing themselves in whatever way satisfys them. I love Missy's artistic flair on SG and I enjoy looking at the photos. Maybe the difference is that I am looking at tattoos, clothes, hairstyles and framing of the shots, so I tend to forget that a lot of people are merely looking for a good shot of T & A.

I guess the questions I'm asking are:
What do you patrons think about the girls of SG? Do you think they are looking for attention? Do you think they'll get the kind of attention they want?Are these girls, at first thought, resopectable, intelligent women that you would want for a long term, serious relationship? Would you be okay with your sister posing on this site? And for the girls: Why do you pose naked on this site? Money? Fun? If SG had no nudity, would it still be a place you want to log your internet hours? Are you looking for longterm realtionships?
Again, my decision has not been made. I'm just thinking this through and look forward to any comments.
People want different things about SG and when you understand what they want, I think then you will reach an answer and finally a decision.
See you and good luck
The conventional porn site would be women who pose nude in a pornographic ( however one would describe that) manner for money. They are in turn supplying a service to their predominately male suscribers. They get paid to pose nude for men to get their rocks off and there is no denying it. SG's are posing for totally different reasons. My take on it is that they are posing to display their independence be it sexual or just from social norms. They are choosing to display who they are as individuals, and to show the world that there is nothing wrong with not looking like the girls on the regular porn sites. They are not getting paid to simply be masturbation fodder. They are standing up for themselves and those like them.
Or maybe there just exhibitionist sluts.
I'd like to think the former.
P.S. Why are you are using long-term relationships as a benchmark for what makes a respectable person?