You're walking down the street. You have completely forgotten who you are, where you've come from, what you've done with your life, who your loved ones are, your goals, your loves, your hates.
So you think to yourself...
"I know! I will post my picture on every telephone pole asking if anyone knows who I am. I will go to the Police Station and ask if anyone has been looking for me. I will travel the world until I find out who I am."
But then you stop, a second thought arises...
"But... But... What if I'm a bad person? What if I've done something horrendous, something that noone could ever forgive me for? What if the wrong kind of people are looking for me???
So after extended thought you conclude that there are two options apparent in your situation. The first... You've been in some kind of accident, the people you dearly love are looking for you, worried about you, desperate to find you. The other, you're an unsavoury sort of the deepest, darkest kind, and perhaps that's how you came to be in this horrid situation in the first place.
You wander the streets for days wondering what to do, keeping your eyes and ears open in case you hear something, someone looking for you, a news report, a magazine article... Anything that might hint at where you should go from here, what kind of person you are, how to react to this situation.
A week passes and nothing. There is nothing on the news, no search party, not an inkling of any kind that you are being missed and/or sought after. You've not heard one whisper pass over another persons lips that might lead you to believe that someone cares, one way or another, that you're missing.
So you begin to concoct a third theory...
"Maybe I'm noone after all. What if my existence has been pointless, a long tunnel of nothingness... And noone even cares I'm gone"
Then your mind ticks over...
"Is this it? Is this the answer I've been searching so hard to find?"
You scream silently. Calling out to noone. Seeing nothing.
You sit on the concrete. Your head is in your hands. You weep. It's dark. You don't see the car coming.
And they don't see you either.
The moral of the story? There are several.
Whatever they are... Such is life, and moping on the concrete won't make anything any better.
Seize the day, seize your life... And most of all... Save the Empire.