Having never experienced the FWB (phonetically pronounced as "FWeeB"... it's more fun to say it that way) lifestyle - also, by NOT being a woman - I cannot relate to the guys-wanting-to-put-their-weiners-inside-me-without-any-emotional-intimacy deal.
As a dude (last I checked), I wouldn't mind trying it out at least once in my life. But that window's closing... I'm 26 going on 40 it seems. Anyways, I'm always the one guy that's deemed "safe" by females. It's not that I don't want to do the hunka chunka with a couple of them... but I won't make it known.
As a dude (last I checked), I wouldn't mind trying it out at least once in my life. But that window's closing... I'm 26 going on 40 it seems. Anyways, I'm always the one guy that's deemed "safe" by females. It's not that I don't want to do the hunka chunka with a couple of them... but I won't make it known.