I've been debating with myself as to whether I should put a new blog up here, but what the hell. Reading back through my old blog posts, it's overtly apparent that I've changed greatly in the past few years that I've been tied to this site. For the wiser? I'd hope so...
I don't plan on updating here very often, so the best places to... Read More
Nah. Won't be for a while yet. This league had only just started about a fortnight before I got to Wangaratta in Feb. So we still have months to go before we are bout ready, but everyone is coming along well!
Perth eh? I'm from Melbourne and thanx for agreeing about the cherry tattoo! I think I'm gonna go for it hahah, its perfect for where I want it anyways
I think i have looked at seek once so far and nothing really there. I haven't even updated my resume. I know i should do it, i just couldn't be arsed atm.
Playing the 360 a lot. Finished off Call of Duty: WAW. Being playing Dead Space and just dl'd the expansion stuff for GTA IV and Fallout 3. I've pretty much just been doing that :p
I hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car;
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick.
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right;
I... Read More
would have been good to have you there, but utterly understandable. Unfortunately it's my dads and my nephews birthday so we won't be able to get down this weekend.
I will never say "I dig it"! You readin' this?! NEVER EVER!
...ya dig???
I just hope the US/Australian Cultural Exchange actually goes down. I'm always a bit anxious about things like that. ...maybe I should show them the Mario Bros sex education video?
1. Good Morning Song
2. Your vag, my ass... scratch an itch
3. Goatboy
4. God Damn mother fucking EVEN FLOW ON MEDIUM...CUNT!
5. Knights of Cydonia and blood loss
6. Burning with Bender
7. 2girlsonecup and gurgling cuddles
8. It's just a ride
9. It's just a ride
10. It's just a ride
11. It's just a ride
12. It's just a ride
13. It's just a ride
14. It's just a ride
15. It's just a ride
16. It's just a ride
17. It's just a ride
18. It's just a ride
19. It's just a ride
20. It's just a ride
21. It's just a ride
22. It's just a ride
23. It's just a ride
24. It's just a ride
25. It's just a ride
26. It's just a ride
27. It's just a ride
28. It's just a ride
29. It's just a ride
30. It's just a ride
31. It's just a ride
32. It's just a ride
33. It's just a ride
34. It's just a ride
35. It's just a ride
36. It's just a ride
37. It's just a ride
38. It's just a ride
39. It's just a ride
40. It's just a ride
41. It's just a ride
42. It's just a ride
43. It's just a ride
44. It's just a ride
45. It's just a ride
46. It's just a ride
47. It's just a ride
48. It's just a ride
49. It's just a ride
50. see you soon
You're walking down the street. You have completely forgotten who you are, where you've come from, what you've done with your life, who your loved ones are, your goals, your loves, your hates.
So you think to yourself...
"I know! I will post my picture on every telephone pole asking if anyone knows who I am. I will go to the Police Station... Read More
Having never experienced the FWB (phonetically pronounced as "FWeeB"... it's more fun to say it that way) lifestyle - also, by NOT being a woman - I cannot relate to the guys-wanting-to-put-their-weiners-inside-me-without-any-emotional-intimacy deal.
As a dude (last I checked), I wouldn't mind trying it out at least once in my life. But that window's closing... I'm 26 going on 40 it seems. Anyways, I'm always the one guy that's deemed "safe" by females. It's not that I don't want to do the hunka chunka with a couple of them... but I won't make it known.