So @catarina is having me do these, and I loved it! ❣
1. Do you like blue cheese ? yes
2. Coke or Pepsi ? Pepsi Twist!
3. Do you own a gun? not yet!
4. What flavor Kool-Aid ? what is it? HELP
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I love the ones from Brazil
6. Favorite TV show? Airport Alert
7. Favorite Movie? I can't choose so I'll just name a few: Deadpool, Pirates of the Caribbean, A Bug's Life *-----*
8. What do you drink in the morning? Toddy :3
9. Can you do a push up? yes
10 Favorite jewelry? none
11. Favorite hobby’s? smoking, play with my dog and football
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? no
13. Do you wear glasses? yes
14. Favorite cartoon character? Mew <3
15. Three things I did today? I watched soccer, played with my little dog and looked for Pokemon!
17. Three things you drink regularly? water and Pepsi kkkk
18. Current dislike? Routines
19. Favorite place to go? None :/
20. How did you bring in the New Year? ...
21. Where would you like to go? Amsterdam
22. Name five people who will do this?@lahozma @rehchagas @raay @raylima @thaecos
23. Favorite color? Black
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? lol NO!!
25. Can you whistle? Really well and loud actually
26. What are you doing right now? Watching soccer
27. Would you be a pirate? YEEEES
28. Favorite food? Pizza
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My daddy kkk
30. Last time you received flowers? About 4 weeks ago.
31. Most recent injury? my tattoo counts?
32. How many pets are in your house? 5
33. Worst pain ever? Loneliness
34. Do you like to dance? YEESS. I LOOOOVE
35. Are your parents still alive? Yes.
36. Do you love your life? Meh :#
37. Summer or Winter? Winteeer!
38. How many grandchildren do you have? none
39. Car or Van? motorcycles lol
40. People Person? not gonna lie.