How are you all doing?
I fail at updating my blog. So badly. I promise I will try harder......
So, since my last blog, I've moved house

I made a meatshroom, it was amazing.
I also dyed my hair red (as you can see from that picture ) and I'm planning on having it turquoise and then black in the near future
I go back to uni soon, which I can't wait for. I messed up big time last year and this year I need to do better, so hopefully second chances are worth the effort
I don't really know what else I should say....... I got a new lip piercing, so now I have three. Pictures will come eventually but I'm far too busy doing nothing right now to take any
ALSO, I got a new job! It's at one of my favourite rock bars, so I get to listen to rock music and dance around while working. Best job ever.
I think that will have to be all for now, my stomach is starting to hurt so it's time to go make food yum yum.
I will be around much more from now on.
Love all your faces
P.S. as I said in my last blog, I'm still looking for photographers, so if you are one, or know someone who would be interested in doing a set for me then let me know please <3