This Christmas was great for me, we just had a small Christmas with my parents, my brother and myself. We usually have my grandparents round, but I end up feel awkward about being myself with them around, so this year I could act like an idiot and not get scowled at! w00t! I acted like a child and stuffed my face and it was awesome! ^_^ Hopefully it's a sign of things to come!
I also dyed my hair, now I have the underneath turquoise, the front pink and the top is my natural blonde, I love it

I can't stop listening to this song at the moment, I really think you can't beat a band with cello players, cello metal hahaha.
And here's a couple of pictures from the Christmas rock society ball I went to, I never got round to uploading them before:
I got mobbed when we were setting up...
My face looks special in this...
I have a new boyfriend...
And I managed to look spazzy in this too...
Wow this is a picture blog...
On another note, I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions, I don't usually make them because I just break them, BUT this year I've thought of things that wouldn't be hard to do and I should really try to anyway.
So in 2010 I'm going to:
- make more time for my friends
- enjoy myself more
- make the most of the fact I'm still young
- do whatever the hell I want
- avoid horrible men
- find a nice guy
None of this "I'm going to go on a diet" because I know I won't, I like food
All of these really come from the fact I've had no freedom and no time to do anything I wanted to for the past year because of my ex-boyfriend. Since we broke up I've had more time for my friends and I have started to find the confidence that he made me lose. So in 2010 I intend to keep that up and carry on feeling good about myself! 2010 is going to be a good year, at least I hope it will be.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying the holiday season. What are your plans for New Year's eve? I think I'm going to have a quiet one (I have no money now haha!).
Love xoxoxoxoxox
I need to make some resolutions. I sense most of them will involve getting famous and having more tattoos. Huzzah!
Most of mine are hideously selfish, because I'm a massive arse!