You know, when you're new to this site it seems really hard to make friends, without making people think you just want love for your pictures. I wish I knew how I could add people and them actually realise it's because I just want to make friends... It's so much easier in real life for me.
I'm getting more and more fed up by the day, still don't know if my university wants me or not. I'm sure it can't be that hard to mark an exam and tell me the mark
Also, I can't find a job, no one wants me. They always have their reasons but it's getting a bit too much when i've been looking for all this year so far.
Sorry i'm moaning. I should be happy, moving house on Friday to live with one of my bestest friends
I haven't seen him for a while either so it should be nice to catch up. Then more trips to IKEA haha! I'm obsessed.
If you feel like cheering me up don't hesitate, I could do with some love right now. And no that doesn't mean i'm trying to recruit set commenters lol!
Love xxxx
I'm getting more and more fed up by the day, still don't know if my university wants me or not. I'm sure it can't be that hard to mark an exam and tell me the mark

Also, I can't find a job, no one wants me. They always have their reasons but it's getting a bit too much when i've been looking for all this year so far.
Sorry i'm moaning. I should be happy, moving house on Friday to live with one of my bestest friends

If you feel like cheering me up don't hesitate, I could do with some love right now. And no that doesn't mean i'm trying to recruit set commenters lol!
Love xxxx
what uni is it? and what are you studying? good luck