I keep saying I'll update more often and then forgetting to do it. I'm rubbish. BUT I finally got round to doing it. YAY ME!
After a bit of thought (not a lot) I have decided to have another go at the whole SG thing, I started out on this site a while ago as a hopeful (and still am... Read More
I've sent out CV's to a load of places but without luck so far. I wish something would turn up sooner rather than later. Should be glad you have a job, it's tougher nowadays. I used to be able to go from job to job and not care about it.
well i'm going to try to get my mates to come to skates on this weeksince its bn a bout a year since i was last there.. still but i drink alot but my best mates are all married and my house mates don't like my music lol so don't get to my knid of bars offten:-(
well if i make out on tue it would be good t see ya
So I've been missing from SG for too long. And have decided to make a point of visiting the site more and making more regular updates.
I have also decided, that after having taken down my TERRIBLE first attempt sets (sorry if you liked them, I can just do better I'm sure), I'm going to get on with making some new sets. GOOD ONES!
I really haven't updated my blog for SO long! How have you all been?! Well I hope
I've been to Download festival this past week, which was amazing. I got a tan, listened to great bands and got to go camping with a load of my best friends! Yay! I saw Monkeyshines as well, which was awesome, he's a legend.... Read More
Sooooo, I've been away for a long time. Over a month. This is shocking for me! How are you all doing?!
I've had so much going on recently with having a new boyfriend and uni etc that I haven't had time to sit and think and write a decent blog. But now I have a quiet evening to myself so I'm just chilling and listening... Read More
I'm at uni in Durham, waaayyy up north. in the cooooold.
yeah i know it makes you poor as hell. but i wish it didnt. doesnt help that i have a crippling spending addiction. oops.
older men - woop, the way to go for sure! xxx
First of all, I went to see Rammstein last night. It was the BEST night of my life. I have never been so happy, I have never enjoyed a gig so much. I don't think I ever will again. I want to go and see them again so badly!!! There were pyrotechnics everywhere and they... Read More
oh ya, I can only break my heritage, and the amount of Irish Bars Ive worked in!!