SO I have been super busy lately. What? IS it really that hard to believe that I've been busy?
I've been playing photographer.

Now, my work isn't something I would normally post, but I could not resist with such a great little model and her mother being a great friend of mine. This little girl had to of been my favorite session EVER.
Other than playing photographer, I have been busy doing other things.
Like practicing extreme couponing. I wont lie - I cheated. This One Frugal Chick has helped me to do so.

I have been getting ready to start my garden. I am recycling an old (okay, it's new, but I didn't want to throw it away - I never use them!) phone book to make starter pots. The news (you can believe everything they tell you) said that we aren't going to be having but maybe two more frost nights left. You know what that means right? GARDEN TIME TWO WHOLE MONTHS EARLY! Hecks yes sirs and ma'am's. I invested way too much money on my seeds, but it is going to be worth it. I'm definitely going to be posting more on that. I have so much pride in my [figuratively] green thumb. I have veggies, flowers, herbs and nummies for the cats

Speaking of cats. I've taken it upon myself to declare that I am no longer the foster parent of Jaac. His mother hasn't been to see him in over a month so I have officially declared adoption. I'm okay with that. He is a lovable fur ball and Wimble loves his new boyfriend. (I have mentioned that my Manx is gay, haven't I?)

I've been hard at work at the studio too.

I've been driving a lot - I mean A LOT. I love taking pictures of people's specialty plates. Who knew?

I've also been drinking quite a bit. Who would have known that too. I look good in a cowboy hat.. and yellow...

Another neat thing I found out about one on my puppies is that this one in particular has rare markings [merle] and is worth quite a bit. His eyes are also two different colors - blue and green. I'm almost tempted to keep him... almost. I'm tempted, but not stupid.

I have so much to do. I still have to finish painting my living room, I have a few commission pieces to complete, I have a set to photoshop, I have to finish shopping that gorgeous little girl up there, finish seed starter pots, sell puppies, and about a half a million other things.
- BTW -
people that love lightroom, this site is awesome if you are just finally getting around to using lightroom, or if you want FREE presets and frames. IN LOVE
I have been going crazy with it! All the pictures above are using one preset or another.
I believe there are more things I would like to share but I'm just going to have to do it another time. I've spent more time on this than I would like to, but I needed the break!!!
Ciao my loves.

I've been playing photographer.

Now, my work isn't something I would normally post, but I could not resist with such a great little model and her mother being a great friend of mine. This little girl had to of been my favorite session EVER.
Other than playing photographer, I have been busy doing other things.
Like practicing extreme couponing. I wont lie - I cheated. This One Frugal Chick has helped me to do so.

I have been getting ready to start my garden. I am recycling an old (okay, it's new, but I didn't want to throw it away - I never use them!) phone book to make starter pots. The news (you can believe everything they tell you) said that we aren't going to be having but maybe two more frost nights left. You know what that means right? GARDEN TIME TWO WHOLE MONTHS EARLY! Hecks yes sirs and ma'am's. I invested way too much money on my seeds, but it is going to be worth it. I'm definitely going to be posting more on that. I have so much pride in my [figuratively] green thumb. I have veggies, flowers, herbs and nummies for the cats

Speaking of cats. I've taken it upon myself to declare that I am no longer the foster parent of Jaac. His mother hasn't been to see him in over a month so I have officially declared adoption. I'm okay with that. He is a lovable fur ball and Wimble loves his new boyfriend. (I have mentioned that my Manx is gay, haven't I?)

I've been hard at work at the studio too.

I've been driving a lot - I mean A LOT. I love taking pictures of people's specialty plates. Who knew?

I've also been drinking quite a bit. Who would have known that too. I look good in a cowboy hat.. and yellow...

Another neat thing I found out about one on my puppies is that this one in particular has rare markings [merle] and is worth quite a bit. His eyes are also two different colors - blue and green. I'm almost tempted to keep him... almost. I'm tempted, but not stupid.

I have so much to do. I still have to finish painting my living room, I have a few commission pieces to complete, I have a set to photoshop, I have to finish shopping that gorgeous little girl up there, finish seed starter pots, sell puppies, and about a half a million other things.
- BTW -
people that love lightroom, this site is awesome if you are just finally getting around to using lightroom, or if you want FREE presets and frames. IN LOVE

I believe there are more things I would like to share but I'm just going to have to do it another time. I've spent more time on this than I would like to, but I needed the break!!!
Ciao my loves.

cuuuuuuuuuuute kitties and puppy!!

I love reading your blogs. Cats in boxes = greatest thing ever? Perhaps .... perhaps ........