I could probably post neat things that embody science all day long. I love science. I love the beauty of it - really. I really, really do! I especially love when people turn that same love into something artistic - such as these soaps from this neat Etsy shop. I mean, come on. Really? I love you 
Speaking of crafts; I'm doing a Craft Challenge. You should follow along those of you that are crafty. It officially started yesterday!
On a personal note, I've decided that I want people to get to know me. The real me. You all get a side of me that I cannot fully express at all times because it is not socially acceptable. You will all know more of me than I let the 'real' world know. Every Sunday I am going to tell you all a little about me. Example: my name is Polyamory to most of you, to the rest of the world my name is KimBerly. It's nice to meet all of you.

Speaking of crafts; I'm doing a Craft Challenge. You should follow along those of you that are crafty. It officially started yesterday!
On a personal note, I've decided that I want people to get to know me. The real me. You all get a side of me that I cannot fully express at all times because it is not socially acceptable. You will all know more of me than I let the 'real' world know. Every Sunday I am going to tell you all a little about me. Example: my name is Polyamory to most of you, to the rest of the world my name is KimBerly. It's nice to meet all of you.

etsy = best money hole. Ever.