I know it's not a good picture, but who can get a good picture of a fresh tattoo? Tell me and I will slap you for your blasphemy. But I am happy to show you all. I can't wait to get a better picture to show everyone. Now here is the question: I didn't realize this until I put a bra back on much later, but the tattoo was suppose to go further down between my breasts. Does it look weird? I think it does, but that might be just because that is how it's suppose to be. Do I tell the tattoo artist that is what I wanted? Do you think he would get upset to do such a small area? Plus, that area is extremely painful (at least for me) so is it worth that pain just to get that area filled in?
On a secondary note, last night was my first night EVER with a personal trainer. Man did he bust my lady balls. I am so sore and it is only getting worse! I will put up with it because that means it's working - right? Being that sore definitely made me a sour puss during my tat session, I tell you what. The coolest thing about getting my tattoo today was that the artist, Mike, had this stuff that you spray on the tattoo (it was just a lidocaine solution) but how it worked was neat. Topical numbing agents at a 5% concentration don't have much numbing affect, but right on the bottle of this stuff it recommends applying the solution once you can't stand the pain anymore because it will penetrate easier through the needle wounds. The stinging wasn't bad and I couldn't feel the needle one bit. I'm serious! Not at all! It was amazing! Also, I feel that I have to clarify at this point - it got pretty painful being as it was such a large piece, but I was fine not using it - I only used it because the artist suggested I try it. He laughed at me and told me to stop being a masochist lol!
On a side note, today was a great one and I even tested out that terror paint from Wally World on a small section of my living room. I am in L-O-V-E!!!

I can't wait to paint my whole living room tomorrow! Until then! Toodles.
And here are pretty pre-tattoo pictures for my loves!

Last but not least: My first ever homemade saddle plugs! <3

I know it's not a good picture, but who can get a good picture of a fresh tattoo? Tell me and I will slap you for your blasphemy. But I am happy to show you all. I can't wait to get a better picture to show everyone. Now here is the question: I didn't realize this until I put a bra back on much later, but the tattoo was suppose to go further down between my breasts. Does it look weird? I think it does, but that might be just because that is how it's suppose to be. Do I tell the tattoo artist that is what I wanted? Do you think he would get upset to do such a small area? Plus, that area is extremely painful (at least for me) so is it worth that pain just to get that area filled in?
On a secondary note, last night was my first night EVER with a personal trainer. Man did he bust my lady balls. I am so sore and it is only getting worse! I will put up with it because that means it's working - right? Being that sore definitely made me a sour puss during my tat session, I tell you what. The coolest thing about getting my tattoo today was that the artist, Mike, had this stuff that you spray on the tattoo (it was just a lidocaine solution) but how it worked was neat. Topical numbing agents at a 5% concentration don't have much numbing affect, but right on the bottle of this stuff it recommends applying the solution once you can't stand the pain anymore because it will penetrate easier through the needle wounds. The stinging wasn't bad and I couldn't feel the needle one bit. I'm serious! Not at all! It was amazing! Also, I feel that I have to clarify at this point - it got pretty painful being as it was such a large piece, but I was fine not using it - I only used it because the artist suggested I try it. He laughed at me and told me to stop being a masochist lol!
On a side note, today was a great one and I even tested out that terror paint from Wally World on a small section of my living room. I am in L-O-V-E!!!

And here are pretty pre-tattoo pictures for my loves!

Last but not least: My first ever homemade saddle plugs! <3

holy wow, what a knock out