My pitbull is having puppies.
Commence freak out:
This is some inception shiz right here - puppies inside a puppy. I'm absolutely terrified about this. She will be having them here in about two weeks.
That's right - two. weeks.
I am seriously freaking out. I'm running around with my head on fire and everyone is trying to reassure me that I don't have to do anything - I'm not worried about when she has the puppies (unless it's on my one and only rug - then I might drown my snuggle poofers), I'm worried about after. Where do I keep them for six weeks? Will I actually be able to give them away? Do I sell them? What if the people that want them end up being terrible? What if I fall in love with them and end up being an animal hoarder? How do I even hide this from my landlord? There is a strict no puppy policy in my lease. There might be up to twelve little bastards in there! Puppies get big in six weeks!
Excuse me while I go freak out some more.

Commence freak out:
This is some inception shiz right here - puppies inside a puppy. I'm absolutely terrified about this. She will be having them here in about two weeks.
That's right - two. weeks.
I am seriously freaking out. I'm running around with my head on fire and everyone is trying to reassure me that I don't have to do anything - I'm not worried about when she has the puppies (unless it's on my one and only rug - then I might drown my snuggle poofers), I'm worried about after. Where do I keep them for six weeks? Will I actually be able to give them away? Do I sell them? What if the people that want them end up being terrible? What if I fall in love with them and end up being an animal hoarder? How do I even hide this from my landlord? There is a strict no puppy policy in my lease. There might be up to twelve little bastards in there! Puppies get big in six weeks!
Excuse me while I go freak out some more.

1. you will become an animal hoarder.
2. you will hide this from landlord (see Ace Ventura for details on how)
3. you will continuously freak out until you cannot stand up, fall over, take a nap, go to work, come home, and continue to freak.