Feast your eyes on our awesomeness. That's right. Do it now.

After a long night at work, a long confusing drive, a heartburn inducing Denny's meal, we prepared for a splendid morning of watching Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Never seen that film. Almost had to pretend to sleep. Not looking forward to seeing The Devil Inside or whatever it's called... Who is going to 'nuggle me until the nightmares go away??
Why is it after a night full of Patron shots, disgusting food tastes good (when is Denny's ever good? It makes me thirstier than the liquor) but you get hungry again in a couple hours? This isn't chinese food people. Or is it? So this is the num num's I am making to make me feeeeel better about eating that crapola.

Speaking of Chinese and Patron. There was the most glorious china man in the world at work tonight. So hot I did in fact touch that hiney. Chinese is not my usual preference of the asian variety, but Mr. Lee (yes, Mr. Lee) you are a gorgeous man. On the patron note, I stupidly brought every valuable item possible in my purse to work tonight. Logically, I secured it in a locker because I work with dirty pirate hookers. Of course the mechanism breaks. I really enjoyed beating the locker with a mini sledge hammer. What does that have to do with Patron? I blamed my vehement enthusiasm of making that locker by bitch on the patron. It wasn't me - it was the tequila.

Coming home, I find this beauty in my mailbox. My mummie loves me. Along with her adolescent grammar, spelling and punctuation, it informed me that I will be receiving a special gift in the mail for my birthday! She said she thought this was a rad card and it made her think of me. She still thinks she's hip and cool. I will admit that it is pretty neato daddio.

Speaking of my birthday, my birthday week is aproaching rapidly and I got this neat pre-birthday present. Fully functional with about twenty rolls of film.

After a long night at work, a long confusing drive, a heartburn inducing Denny's meal, we prepared for a splendid morning of watching Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Why is it after a night full of Patron shots, disgusting food tastes good (when is Denny's ever good? It makes me thirstier than the liquor) but you get hungry again in a couple hours? This isn't chinese food people. Or is it? So this is the num num's I am making to make me feeeeel better about eating that crapola.

Speaking of Chinese and Patron. There was the most glorious china man in the world at work tonight. So hot I did in fact touch that hiney. Chinese is not my usual preference of the asian variety, but Mr. Lee (yes, Mr. Lee) you are a gorgeous man. On the patron note, I stupidly brought every valuable item possible in my purse to work tonight. Logically, I secured it in a locker because I work with dirty pirate hookers. Of course the mechanism breaks. I really enjoyed beating the locker with a mini sledge hammer. What does that have to do with Patron? I blamed my vehement enthusiasm of making that locker by bitch on the patron. It wasn't me - it was the tequila.

Coming home, I find this beauty in my mailbox. My mummie loves me. Along with her adolescent grammar, spelling and punctuation, it informed me that I will be receiving a special gift in the mail for my birthday! She said she thought this was a rad card and it made her think of me. She still thinks she's hip and cool. I will admit that it is pretty neato daddio.

Speaking of my birthday, my birthday week is aproaching rapidly and I got this neat pre-birthday present. Fully functional with about twenty rolls of film.

I would say all in all a good night.
Btw, I enjoyed the image you posted in the AA group!