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* Merry* Christmas!* * *
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When I was younger, my oma used to make this eggnog type thing that I wasn't allowed to drink, of which I didn't understand why, and I didn't understand why she got so angry when my dad would sneak me some. I would get so frustrated as a littlie that I couldn't share in the fun and celebration. As I got older, I realized (all on my own) that of course it wasn't for kids because it could kill an ox with the amount of alcohol that was in it.
When I found this post of Eierlikr (a German liquor similar to eggnog) I was so excited that I could recreate my sneaky alcoholic childhood a little bit. Enjoy this recipe, and thank you Nifty Thrify Things for the nostalgia. Already made, I will definitely be reveling in delightfully buzzed memories with my papa tomorrow. I really hope he likes it! For him I put his favorite in it - Bacardi, and for me and my oma we get some good ol' fashioned Three Olives
Also - I want this for Christmas! For any craft lover, this would make an awesome gift!
Don't forget to sleep like a king tonight!
Frohe Weihnachten! Now go enjoy some yummy Eierlikr!!!
* Merry* Christmas!* * *
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When I was younger, my oma used to make this eggnog type thing that I wasn't allowed to drink, of which I didn't understand why, and I didn't understand why she got so angry when my dad would sneak me some. I would get so frustrated as a littlie that I couldn't share in the fun and celebration. As I got older, I realized (all on my own) that of course it wasn't for kids because it could kill an ox with the amount of alcohol that was in it.
When I found this post of Eierlikr (a German liquor similar to eggnog) I was so excited that I could recreate my sneaky alcoholic childhood a little bit. Enjoy this recipe, and thank you Nifty Thrify Things for the nostalgia. Already made, I will definitely be reveling in delightfully buzzed memories with my papa tomorrow. I really hope he likes it! For him I put his favorite in it - Bacardi, and for me and my oma we get some good ol' fashioned Three Olives

Also - I want this for Christmas! For any craft lover, this would make an awesome gift!

Don't forget to sleep like a king tonight!

Frohe Weihnachten! Now go enjoy some yummy Eierlikr!!!

Merry Christmas.