Chicago porn kids: Join me tomorrow, December 8, at the Museum of Contemporary Art (on Chicago Avenue one block east of Mighican) for the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement's Annual Holiday Fiesta!
* $20 gets you open bar and fancy snacks from 6-8pm
* Admittance to Tropiclia, an interactive exhibit of Brazilian art, music and culture that is VERY cool and really intriguing
* Music, dancing, and great conversation
* Meet me and other Latino SGers and SGettes (and no, you dont have to be Latino to attend!)
I'm working the door from 6-7:30, so stop by the MCA and say hi! Any questions email me at See you tomorrow
December 8, 2005
6:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA)
220 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
* $20 gets you open bar and fancy snacks from 6-8pm
* Admittance to Tropiclia, an interactive exhibit of Brazilian art, music and culture that is VERY cool and really intriguing
* Music, dancing, and great conversation
* Meet me and other Latino SGers and SGettes (and no, you dont have to be Latino to attend!)
I'm working the door from 6-7:30, so stop by the MCA and say hi! Any questions email me at See you tomorrow
December 8, 2005
6:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA)
220 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Hubby miss you too. Hubby is so tired, he might fall asleep on his laptopzzzzzzzz