@bloghomework by @missy @rambo
What are you afraid of?
The list is actually quite long although I tend to pretend I'm fearless but I'm not.
I'm petrified of power outages. I freak out when the power goes out and always think someone is going to sneak in the house. It could really happen at any time but for me I just think it's gonna happen then. Not really sure what started that fear but noticed it a few years ago when we had no power for a week.
Clowns. Although I'm in a photo with them, they chased me around the tattoo convention for 3 days before that photo happened. I actually cried multiple times. Not knowing who's under the mask/makeup scares me. A long time ago my hometown had their annual festival and there was an obnoxious clown, happy as hell, blue hair and a flower that sprayed water. He knew my name. It scared me. Then every event I went to, he was there. A church carnival, the Fourth of July, and the annual festivals. I got it in my head that he was following me... And then came my phobia. I love the movie IT, and the movie Spawn, captain Spaulding is my hero, yet I'm petrified of them. It's just weird.
I'm also scared shitless of cars. I have to go in them, but try to avoid them if possible. I drive my fiancé insane because I'm one of those annoying passengers saying "slow down" "are you falling asleep" "there's a truck coming" I do it every time, the whole ride. And last week I watched a beautiful woman from my past flip her car and I had to play nurse until help arrived, she didn't survive. It has affected me pretty badly. And my fear is a lot worse now.