So after a little difference of opinion moment that occurred today, I'm gonna just ramble it out in a blog.
Having someone you followed for a long time put ya down kinda blows. But hey, not everyone agrees and that's just how it goes!
I posted an IG post about someone(I used the word creep) DMing me how mean and bitchy I am for not following them back, mind you, this is after this person sent me masturbation videos over and over after I asked him not to. Yes, I'm on an adult site, and I expect a certain amout of comments, messages etc that I'm not gonna like.. I ignore most of them or brush it off, I'm on an adult site, I signed up expecting it. But when I constantly tell someone to stop sending me certain things and finally decide to block them when they don't stop, that's my choice, and I don't understand the issue with me not wanting to see it. Well today I was told by someone that, Apparently, by blocking a few people on IG when they take things too far makes me not an SG worthy person and I get told "dont bite the hand that feeds you." "Maybe this isn't the place for you" "I've been on SG for seven years, I know exactly what I'm talking about." The way I see it, we all have our limits, and sometimes I find the block button a lot better than just flipping out on someone. I support everyone on here even though I don't agree or like everything about some, I still support them. Telling me this isn't the place for me due to me not wanting certain things is kind of ridiculous. I've never blocked anyone on the SG site, and never yelled at anyone on here for saying what's on their mind. I don't call everyone a creep. I've had men and women say a lot of things to me, and I take it and move on, it's what I do. I know that the members are the ones that keep this site going, make going pink possible, make us all grow... I'm grateful for that 100%
So if me wanting to have some limits means I don't belong here, then I'll accept that opinion. Even if I don't turn Pink I'll still be here, for the blogs, the groups, the amazing members,SGs and hopefuls that I've met and continue meeting. Up until today, every person I've come in contact with through all my sites have been supportive of me, my journey joining in the community and understood where I'm coming from even if it's not how they feel. We are all gonna have different opinions on exactly what we feel this site is about. Some say porn, some say adult content, some say pinup, some say alt modeling... Whatever the "definition" is, I love it here, and I appreciate all of the people that support me and will still stick by me. I'm also grateful for all the ones who don't like me, don't agree, and want to say I'll never make it. I'll push myself even more just for you!