well, the kitty is home, she has three medications that I have to give her, plus I have to force feed her with a syringe. The good news is the medications are helping her keep the food down. She is finally getting some sleep, she was so tired, so sleep is a very good thing for my kitty!
Today she followed me into the laundry room and meows at me, she wanted to play, so I got her cat dancer out and she played a little, not the three foot high back flips she is known for, but playing none the less.
She just crawled on my lap, and is doing happy paws! She is slowing returning to healthy!!!!
Now the part where I do not talk about the cat..
I am making French onion soup for dinner mmm.. I use mushroom broth instead of beef broth.
I got bought two new purses on clearance at TJ Maxx. I love finding cool things for less than ten dollars. (also got a kick ass coat)
I need lime green shoes, I have found them, but not in my size, anyone know where to get lime green chucks in Toledo??
Infinite Art is a good shop -- any of the artists there would do a nice job for you.