Well, i got the best christmas present, my office was closed for a snow day!!! I got a four day weekend.
Tomorrow I get to drive in the blizzard back to my hometown to celebrate the holidays with family!
Tomorrow I get to drive in the blizzard back to my hometown to celebrate the holidays with family!
I hadda retire the nipple rings @ the hospital when I went into labor. I was a sad critter. Im pretty sure septum piercings are easy to hide. just flip it up. Not too hard. Altho I might be stupid and that may be a bad idea. I derno. And no. I had a nose ring for fuckin ever, and I hadda take it out everyday for work and it said...."CLOSE!" so. No more nose ring. I think im gonna pierce the other side o'my lip. I would like to get a horizontal surface piercing under my bellybutton.I need to lose this baby weight....altho...with this extra flab, maybe now is a good time...HMMMMM.....OOH and also, I've decided to become a vegetarian. Mainly cos I feel bad for those =
. LOL. I'm glad my man wants no part in my vegetarianism cos then he couldn't eat my
. LOL ok. I'm done now. 

I'm most definately NOT going vegan. Can't do it. lol. But it was that horrid vegan commercial that upset me into going veg LOL. I love eggs, and I love milk, so I could never go Vegan. My mum has been feeding me bean burgers and hummus for a long time, and I love that shit so....losing animals from my diet doesn't bother me much. I'm not sure if I'm going to give up Salmon tho.......thats all I eat when I go to resturants. teehee