I'm going to a cardiologist today....I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with my heart.
Wish me luck.
Also, I have less than a month in here. If we've talked along these 3, 4 years I've been in here, please send me an e-mail to pollythundercat@gmail.com if you'd like to stay in touch. I have been a shitty friend on SG for a while now, mainly because I've lost interest on the site as a whole, but it's not your fault, of course, so I apologize.
I also have a fotolog...you can't comment unless you have one, and I write in portuguese sometimes, but you can still look at the pictures if you'd like...it's www.fotolog.com/eusouapolly
It's hot as balls down here. Jesus, I could barely sleep.
Work is going well, it makes me very happy to be able to pay for such an expensive course with no one's help. And have money for the rest of my bills as well. I have nothing left to spend after that, but it still feels like I'm accomplishing something, you know? It's pretty much what's been keeping me positive.
Well, I'm off. Thanks for the input on the hair, I'll keep it long for the time being, but I will chop it in a few months...=)
Ok, I'm off to a cold shower...
I really hope you're heart is okay. Please let me know if anything is wrong! I saved your email so we can stay in touch. When my son was about 4 months old i started a savings account for my trip to Brazil. I still plan on going there but i want to wait until my son is old enough to where he can remember it, maybe around 6 or 7. I hope we are still in touch at that time so i can meet you.
<3 my email is pimpinsincebeenpimpin@gmail.com